2. Configuration Manager overview
3. Areas
3.1 Areas overview
3.2 Add an area
3.3 Edit basic properties of this area
3.4 Configure theme 'Theme Name' for area n
3.5 Reset properties of theme themename for area n (Area Name)
3.6 Delete an area
4. Site
4.1 Site configuration
The list of areas is shown, the Areas link is underlined.
When no Home icon is set, the Area with the lowest number in the sort order will be the opening Area. For Sort order, see paragraph Edit basic properties of this area.
The different parts of this link refer to:
Take care! Once an area is selected as a private area, it cannot be changed to a public area. Also, when an area is selected as public, it cannot be changed to a private area. This is a security feature.
Keep the name short and descriptive, e.g. no more than 12 (lowercase) letters and digits and no spaces or punctuation characters. Best practice is to limit the mane to lowercase letters, digits and underscores.
If the name is not acceptable, this results in an error messge. Website@School tries to construct a suitable directory name based on your input. If this occurs, accept the suggested name or enter a name that is acceptable and click [Save].
Every area has an associated data directory. In general files that belong to an area should be stored in this directory. Note that every user also has a personal data directory. This directory should be used for personal files only, and not for files related to the area.
A theme is a set of configurable properties. Together the configured properties define the visual appearance of an area. The configuration of the propetties is done in the Configure theme 'themename' for are n dialogue, see 4.4 Configure theme 'themename' for area n.
The theme can be changed to another theme. The old theme and its configured properties are retained, so you can return to the previous theme and it's configured properties, provided you have not reset it's configuration to default values. In this way, one theme can have many configurations of its properties, thus quite differing visual appearences.
Do not forget to add a page to the area. If no page is added, this results in a painful message for the visitors:
1. In general any file in the data folder of any active public area can be retrieved by anyone as long as the name of the file is known.
2. If an area is inactive, no files can be retrieved, even if the name of the file is known. In other words: once an area is inactive, to a visitor it appears that the area no longer exists and that neither the files appear to exist anymore.
The same active/inactive conditions also apply to pages in areas. Once an area is inactive, to a visitor it appears that the pages in that area no longer exist. Even if the URL of the page is known, the page cannot be retrieved.
To delete an area, in the Areas overview, click the Trashcan icon to open the Confirm delete of area Area Name dialogue:
If you do not know what you are doing here, it might be better to leave the Site configuration untouched, because it was possible for you to get here.
See also chapter Tools, paragraph 6. Update Manager.
See also chapter Logging in and out, paragraph 4. Error messages.
The expiry interval can be a point of discussion. It can be lowered, in which case the risk of losing work becomes higher. It can be extended which longer blocks a page in use, resulting in error messages for another users who want to edit that page.
The best opion is to leave it as it is and to often save! your work and/or deploy some ohter activity in Website@School management, in which case the session time is renewed, every time you click something.
It's easier to remember your password than to do the forgototen password procedure. For details, see also chapter Logging in and out, paragraph 3. Forgotten your password?.
This is a useful feature when Website@School is installed at an ISP (Internet Service Provicer) that uses an addres like exemplum@isp.com, in case the ISP has no vadid address for the webserver at that domain. Also read the next item below.
For details, see RFC 5322: Internet Message Format on http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5322.
See chapter Tools, paragraph 3. Translate tool.
After logging in, the user can have her preferred language, see also chapter Account Manager, under 3.2.1 Basic, under Lanuage and Redirection (where to go after login).
Why proxy friendly? Many proxy servers see the question mark in the path as dynamic data which they do not buffer because 'dynamic' means the data can differ after each request.
However, a an image is static data and thus does not change. When the quesiton mark is in hte path, the proxy server will still request the image from the server, over and over again.
This feature is useful, for example in a shcool with Website@School installed at an ISP that has little or expensive bandwidth. If the school has a proxy server, each time pupils request a certan page with static data, the server gets it from the proxy servers cache and not from the server somewhere on the web.
Proxy friendly URL's do not function at the Dutch ISP XS4ALL. See also Appendix A: XS4ALL installation.
Advice: leave it on proxy friendly, unlesss your webserver has trouble working with virtual paths and links in pages are unaccessible.
Do not change this setting after your Webist@School installation is already in use for some time. It could be the case that you have to update a lot of links. After thhe installation, check if proxy friendly URLS's funcion. If not, uncheck the box. Then create users.
is the first preference because of it's speed. Ohterwise, if available clamscan
is used. Of one of them is found, the box (see below) is automatically checked.
It's a good idea to check the virusscanner after installation. See also chapter Installation, paragraph 4. After the installation.
Thumbnails are created with the GD support. See also chapter Installation, paragraph 2.7 Compatibility which image extensions are supported.
It is a good idea to only allow images that are supported by GD. By preventing the upload of unsupported images, for example .bmp, uploading and displaying will be faster. Use a program like Irfanview http://www.irfanview.com/ to resize, convert and manipulae images
See also chapter Editors, paragraph 2. FCK editor.
The FCK editor recognizes images and shows them as thumbnails when inserting. Unreckognized images extensions, for example .bmp
are shown as question marks and not as thumbnails. See also chapter Editors, paragraph 2. FCK editor.
See also chapter Editors, paragraph 2. FCK editor.
Author: Dirk Schouten <schoutdi (at) knoware (dot) nl> Last updated: 2012-02-03