3. Translate tool
3.1 Translate Tool overview
3.2 Add a new language
3.3 Translate a language
3.4.1 Tips for translators
3.4 Edit language properties
3.5 Small language adaptations
3.5.1 High visibility adaptions
3.5.2 Export changes
4. Backup tool
4.1 Database backup
4.2 Data backup
6. Update manager
6.1 Core update
6.2 Other updates
> 2.(hidden feature) je kunt als je wilt nu ook een plain SQL > backup maken. Normaal surf je naar > ..../admin.php?job=tools&task=backuptool&download=zip > maar je kunt nu ook dit doen: > ..../admin.php?job=tools&task=backuptool&download=sql
The opening screen is split in two parts, the menu part and the management part.
This chapter is written in such a way that persons who have never seen Website@School can start translating. So, we assume you are unfamiliar with translating in a web browser. Please keep an eye on the 'NEW USERS' texts in this paragraph. Other parts are for Website@School webmasters and can be skipped.
translators at websiteatschool dot eu
or schoutdi at knoware dot nl
When you do not have a a login name and a passwordd, please read the NOTICE below.
When you have a login name and a passwordd, please read on.
When you do not (yet) have a login name and a password, also start your computer and a browser.
You can excercise at our Website@School Test Site at:
http://wyxs.net/was_daily/admin.php with:
- Login name: jtester
- Password: Jtester4U
and practice without damaging anything. Do not do the real translation there. Your work will be destroyed every 24 hours!
When you are on the translators site you will see something like:
This is the login 'dialogue' (dialogue is terrible computer jargon, used to describe a sort of communication or 'dialog' between a computer and its user).
Anyhow, enter your login name and password in the fiields. Below is an example. The password is invisible, you only see ********.
After entering your login name and password, click the [OK] button or press the [Enter] key on your keyboard.
If you have entered the correct login name and password, you etner the Website@School Welcome dialogue:
Most icons in the upper left corner are greayed out, meaning you have no access to them.
Please click on the
Tools Manager icon to open the Tools dialogue:
You are in the Tools manager overview. In the Menu inaccessible tools are greyed out.
In the Menu click on the Translate Tool link to open the Translate Tool dialogue, which is described in the next paragraph.
Please read on in the 'Translate Tool Overview'.
The list of languages is visible. If you see strange blocks, the language pack of that languagae is not installed on y9ur PC.
We already have entered the language you are going to translte. Please look for the name of the language you are going to translate.
Do NOT touch the other translations!!
Click on the name of the language you are going to translate, as axample for this manual: Français (French).
Please read on by going to paragraph
3.3 Translate a language. <--- Click on the link.
Carefully choose the Parent language. The choise of the parent language (for example Español) is a permanent one and cannot be changed or undone
When the results are saved, the language is added:
By selecting the (added) language, you can start translating. This is discussed in the next paragraph.
In the Menu the different parts of Website@School to be translated can be selected. The selection is underlined General. That's the translation to start with. By clicking the other blue links in the Menu, you can translate other parts of Website@School.
On the right side of the Menu, the Translation for Language-'language code'-'Part' can be seen. Below, as example, French:
NEW USERS: Do not be frightended by by the text below. It is difficult indeed and we can explain it via mail or Skype. Just start translating and forget the '~' (tilde) stuff for the moment. Your translation is more important! We will come back on the ~ (tilde) stuff later. Pleas do read about things not to touch, like texts in RED.
Below is a copy of the text you see in the picture below. We split it in two parts for the NOTICE below:
Translation for Español (es) - General
Here you can modify the translations. Please note that codes like <strong> and {VALUE} should be left as-is (untranslated); these codes are necessary for the proper working of the program and should be copied verbatim. |
The best way of working is to not even touch things like {HOTKEY}, {SITENAME}, {ALERTS}, et cetera. In short: stay out of stuff in RED!
NEW USERS: Do not be scared by the text that follows. It is difficult indeed and we can explain it via mail or Skype. Just start translating and forget the '~' (tilde) for the moment. Your translation is more important! We will come back on the tilde stuff later.
Also note the '~' (tilde) is used as a shorthand notation to define hotkeys in dialogs. For example, a field labeled ~File could be selected by pressing the keycombination [Alt-F] or [Cmnd-F]. The German translation could be ~Datei, with hotkey [Alt-D] or [Cmnd-D]. It is important that a hotkey is unique within a dialog, i.e. if you, the translator, have used the letter D already in that dialog, your German translation might become Dat~ei, yielding hotkey [Alt-E] or [Cmnd-E]. In short: it is up to you, the translator, to choose a good set of hotkeys by carefully placing the tildes. |
Let's take, as example, sentence number 2:
The first line is in English. That's the basic language, the mother language of Website@School.
The second line is the line to be translated. It is now in Spanish. That was the language the translator of French prefeered to replace with French words. This language was selected for you when we created your account. It cannot be changed any more.
Another example. It could be that the picture above is also fine for a translator who understands Spanish and a bit of English. She can now replace the language in Chinese, by replacing the Spanish text:
You also see text and signs in RED or something like {MIN_LENGTH}, {MIN_DIGIT} and similar stuff. Please, please, when translating leave those parts untouched. It is computer code! Here is an example:
Please save often (at least every quarter of an hour or even more). This is done by scrolling down (or with Page Down on the keyboard) to the bottom of the page and clicking the [Save] button. Remember, your work is only on your computer and has to be send to the server sonwhere in the Neterlands. It would be a small disaster if you have translated for a couple of hours and the connection was lost during translating. All your precious work gone! Please save often!
Saving takes time. Please wait for the confirmation message in the yellow bar.
After saving your text, you can continue translating untill that part is done.
At the bottom of the text you can send notes to us:
Now please read what is on top of the page where you started. Here is that difficult text again:
Also note the '~' (tilde) is used as a shorthand notation to define hotkeys in dialogs. For example, a field labeled ~File could be selected by pressing the keycombination [Alt-F] or [Cmnd-F]. The German translation could be ~Datei, with hotkey [Alt-D] or [Cmnd-D].
It is important that a hotkey is unique within a dialog, i.e. if you, the translator, have used the letter D already in that dialog, your German translation might become Dat~ei, yielding hotkey [Alt-E] or [Cmnd-E].
In short: it is up to you, the translator, to choose a good set of hotkeys by carefully placing the tildes.
Maybe, after having translated a bit, i.e. have some working experience, the text is not that difficult to understand. If not, please mail us so we can help you.
We thank you on behalf of every pupil, parent, teacher and school in your country. You do a wonderful job for them.
DE: Geben Sie Ihre E-Mail Adresse an, und Ihr momentan gültiges Passwort wird an die Kontakt E-Mail Adresse geschickt.
HU: Írd be az e-mail címedet és hamarosan megkapod e-mailben a jelszavadat.
Please also read on http://translate.websiteatschool.eu the page 'Tips'. It might contain last minute information provided by one of your colleagues.
You can also look on the internet (Goole is your friend) for computer terms dictionaries. Or ask help from another teacher or a neighbour. Everyone, like you, wants to help education.
Dear new user, here ends the manual part for new translators. When you have questions, please mail us.
NOTICE: This dialogue is the same as the Add a language dialogue. You can correct errors in the name of the language and change 'active'. The language code and parent language cannot be changed.
To create a backup, proceed as follows:
Which reads as:
[ebsite]-[database name]-[prefix]-[YYYMMDD]-[hhmmss].zip.
All docs and pics are not backed up. They are in the CMS data foler. Example: /home/httpd/wasdata/md5/
Download the upgrade (either a program update, or a manual, language or module update ) and unzip or untgz jin the CMS Root Folder. After unzipping, log in wiht the root account (webmaster, Wilhelmina Bladergroen). For a core update you are directly sent to the Update Manager dialogue.
For other updates, go Tools > Update manager.
Log in as webmaster to be directed to the Update Managerdialogue:
Depending on the performed upgrade differences in internal and external version numbers can be observed, as well as, in the Status column Update:
After pressing the Update link, the internal and external versn numbers correspond and your Website@School is updated, up and running.
Further information on the internal version number can be found in chapter Configuration Manager, paragraph 6. Site
Author: Dirk Schouten <schoutdi@knoware.nl> Last updated: 2012-02-29