1. Introduction
1.1 Features
1.2 Requirements and assumptions
1.3 Documentation conventions
2. Sitemap overview
3. Sitemap examples
4. xx
5. Concluding remarks
Introduction text
The features of the Sitemap module in no specific order:
- 3 Modes:
- x:
- x:
- x:
- x:
- x:
- x:
- x:
Required are an installation with demonstration data, an installed manual and you must have full access to Website@School, because in this chapter we use the demonstration data in our examples.
Next to that, this chapter elaborates on other chapters. We assume you have read the Introduction, Logging in and out and completely performed the Guided Tour, thus knowing the 1.3 General features of the Website@School GUI (Graphical User Interface).
Below are the text elements that have a special mark up:
- [Enter] or, for example [Alt-N]: To indicate that you can use the keyboard.
: To indicate a file name.
- Name: The bold underlined character of field titles identify the keyboard shortcut that can be used to access or modify the item. Your browsers manual will tell you which keys to press in conjunction with the bold underlined character.
- [D] or, for example [P]: In high visibility mode (for blind and visually impaired persons) the first one indicates the Trashcan (Delete). The second one indicates the Page preview
- Private area [ ] Mark ... etcetera: The [ ] in a text indicates a check box.
- Add a page or, for example Area: A blue text refers to the same text in a screenshot.
- Add an area, or for example Page Manager: Bold text refers to an item that is visible in a screen shot.
- username, or for example nn-nn of nn: indicates some name, 'hparkh' or '1-20 of 26'.
To add the Sitemap to a node (page), follow the target="_blank">Page Manager,
paragraph 3.1 Add a page to enter tte Add a page dialogue:
Fill out the usual fields, select Parent section and Initial visibility. In the dropdown menu, select Sitemap (sitemap). Save your work. You are returned to the Page Manager
Click on the page name to enter the Sitemap condiguration dialogue:
In the Menu the Content link is active.
- Header: A field to enter some header text for the Sitemap, for example: xxxx. HTML markup tags can be used.
- Introduction: A field to enter an introduction text, for example: yyyy. HTML markup tags can be used.
- Set the scope of the sitemap:
- Area: Only shows the sitemap of the Area where the sitemap is located.
- Limited: Shows the sitemap of the Area where the sitemap is located and an overvieuw of the other Areas on the site.
- Full: Shows all sitemaps of all Areas.
- Save: To save your results and return to the the Page Manager.
- Cancel: To cancel your action and return to the Page Manager.
After clicking [Save], you can admire the Sitemap.
Below examples of Area, Limited and Full:
Example of Area
Example of Limited
Example of Full
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