2. 準備
2.1 二個瀏覽器
2.2 登錄
2.3 管理首頁
2.4 登出
3. 區域 段落 頁面 文
3.1 附加 區域
3.2 附加 頁
3.2.1 業面和段落圖標
3.3 附加文字
3.4 附加圖像
3.4.1 選擇正
3.4.2 下載圖像
3.4.3 插入圖像的網
3.5 附加段落
3.6 創建指令
部網路. 一個區域可包含的部分,
分段, 子分段 甚至更深入的. 例如,該網站的
8級可以包含給每個學生. 赫伯
特部分Herberts, 例如,包含小段,如文
件和詩. 在他的詩節段,他保
持詩的每個頁面. 我們將使用一些例子做介紹.
If you do not have an installation of Website@School, you can use the
testsite at http://wyxs.net/was_daily/admin.php.
loginname: jtester
password: Jtester4U
You can checkk your work at: http://wyxs.net/was_daily/index.php.
This site is renewed every night at 04.00 GMT +1.
We also assume you have a valid user name, password and access
permissions to enter the management part of Webste@School. When you
installed Website@School you have full access permissions. Or the user
name and password were given to you by the web master who also gave
you access permission according to the management role you
In this Guided Tour Miss Wilhelmina Bladergroen installed
Website@School, thus she has full access permissions.
Have a nice tour!
The management interface of Website@School can be adapted. These adaptions (called 'skins') can be set for each individual usser in her user settings. This is done in the Account Manager > Users > User name > Basic properties > Drop down menu: Skins. For an overview of skins, see the chapter Account Manager, paragraph 5. Skins.
Some general features of Website@School are not that easily found.
Greyed out icons, public area and logout. The user first has to save or cancel an action before these items become accessible again. This is a security feature. In high-visibility mode the texts are striked-through when the items are unaccesible.
Data folder (cannot be changed later on): filename not acceptable: 'grade 8'
Confirmation or error messages will be displayed in this yellow bar. If necessary these messages can be copied and pasted in e-mail or forum posts for support.
: To indicate a file name.When at school, it might be an idea to have two workstations; one with Website@School management in the browser and the other one with the site. On the latter one, depending on your browser, you only have to press the [F5] key on the keyboard to refresh the content.
Open one browser (Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Safari, etcetera). Go to
the URL (Universal Resource Locator) of your school. For example:
http://exemplum.eu/index.php. This is a fictional URL, replace it with
the real URL of your school. Only replace the URL, of
the school, but keep the index.php
You will see the site of the school with demonstration data:
Now open a new browser window or use a second workstation, or one
workstation with two different browsers. Go to:
http://exemplum.eu/admin.php. This is a fictional URL, replace it with
the real URL of your school. Only replace the URL, of
the school, but keep the admin.php
You will see the log-in dialogue that gives access to Website@School
You are ready to log in.
Please press the [Enter] key on your keyboard, or click the [OK] button to log in to Website@School Home Welcome.
This page is full of difficult to find features. See paragraph 1.3
General features for an overview.
This is the Home or Start Center section of Website@School management.
From here all functions are accessible.
? Help: A great feature of Website@School: content sensitive help, meaning when you are, for example, in the Areas in the Configuration Manager, clicking the question mark gives you the that part of the Configuration Manager manual.
To open the Help full screen with scrollbar, right click on the
icon and select Open Link in New Window
After clicking on the link in the upper right corner of the screen logout Wilhelmina Bladergroen, you are logged out:
You are successfully logged out. This the shortest tour :-).
To log in again, click [OK] in the pop up message to remove it, and log in again.
Click the Configuration Manager icon, to open the Configuration
Manager dialogue:
In the Menu, click Areas to open the Areas dialogue:
In Areas, click Add an area to open the Add an area dialogue:
Once you have chosen for a public or private Area and saved your
choise, this choise is permanent. You cannot change a private Area
into a public one or vice versa. This is a security feature. Of
course you can delete Areas.
If the name is not acceptable, this results in an error message.
Website@School tries to make a suitable directory name. If this
occurs, accept the suggested name and click [Save].
Click the [Save] button to return to Areas dialogue:
You are back on the Areas dialogue. The Pupils of Grade 8 Area is added. Notice the status message.
In the next paragraph we will create the welcome page for this Area.
Click the Page Manager icon, to open the Page Manager
dialogue. It opens on the demonstration data, the Exemplum
Primary School:
The Menu shows the list of areas. The Exemplum Primary School is selected, thus visible in the workspace.
In the Menu, click Pupils of Grade 8 to enter their area.
Notice that no nodes (pages and sections) have been added to this area. We will now add a node with a page. In Pupils of Grade 8, click Add a page, to open its dialogue:
Click [Save] and return to the Page Manager of the area. The newly created Welcome page is added. Also notice the status message.
The Welcome page is added. Time to explain its icons, left from the Welcome page.
Please set the Home icon now, to make the page visible:
It is not necessary to set the home icon because something will always
be displayed, even an empty page. But it's good practice to set the
home icon.
Although the page is visible, it has no content. In the next paragraph we will add a text and an image to the page.
This is a WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) text editor, wich is fully explained via links in chapter Editors. There you also find a list of keyboard shortcuts. However, there is one feature to point to because it's now very useful: Maximize the editor size to full screen.
Click on the Maximize the editor size icon at the right side
of the bottom row of icons. The editor maximizes it's size. Now you
have plenty of space to create your text. Please enter some text, for
Save the text in the editor with the Save icon, or
use [Ctrl+Shift+S]. Do this often. It reduces the risk of
losing text by a power outage or a lost connection to the web server.
After saving, you return to the Page Manager Pupils of Grade
8 area dialogue:
You have returned to the Page Manager in the Pupils of Grade
8 area. Please check your results by clicking on the Page
icon. A new window opens, showing how the page would look on the site:
If you prefer a full screen image, right click on the preview icon
and (In Firefox), select Open Link in New Window.
Close the window and you are back at the Page Manager dialogue of the
Pupils Grade 8 area. In the next paragraph, we will
add a picture of the pupils to the Welcome page.
In the Pupils of Grade 8 workspace, click the Welcome page link. The FCK page editor opens. Set it to Maximized:
Proceed as follows:
The Image Properties dialogue opens:
In the Image Properties dialogue, click [Browse Server], to open the My Files dialogue:
There are no files at all. Not in your personal file storage (called 'My Files') and also not in the storage space associated with the area 'Pupils of Grade 8'.
Therefore we must first upload an image to the server before we can use it in our page.
Alternatively you could use the breadcrumb trail at the top to quickly move to the top level folder 'All Files' by clicking the link 'all files'.
Please click Add (upload) files, to enter the Add (upload) files dialogue:
You can upload files from the computer you are now working on to the school server. In this picture only 4 files can be uploaded in one time. The number of uploadable files can be set. See the Configuration Manager.
Click the [Browse] button for Filename (1), to open a dialoge on your computer, to naviage to the path and filename of the file you want to upload:
Select the file and click [Open]:
The path and the filename on your computer are visible in the Filename (1) field. Click [Save] to upload the file to the school server, whereafter you return to the Pupils of Grade 8 area file space:
The image is uploaded to the server. Notice the yellow status bar messages. The file is scanned for viruses and a thumbnail is automatically created.
Click on the thumbnail of the image. You now return to the Image Properties dialogue. Here you can add or edit additional properties of the image if you wish. For now, simply press [OK] to insert the image into the page.
In the Image Properties dialogue, click [OK] to put the picture in the text:
We think the picture of grade 8 is too big for the text. Adjust the size of the image by clicking on a corner and resize it, with the left mouse button pressed, to get the desired size:
Great! Click [Save] to save your work and return to the Page Manager.
You are back on the Page Manager in the Pupils of Grade 8 area. If you wish, you can check your work by pressing the Page preview icon, but that's a trick you know. It's more fun to go to the school website:
Use the dropdown menu Select an area and select the Pupils of Grade 8 area. Next, be prepared for a little shock and click the [Go] button:
Photo courtesy Lamco School Buchanan
Surprise! Not only are you on the site of the Pupils of Grade 8, but, just for the tour, we replaced the logo with the Pupils of Grade 8. This is a simple operation. Please see the chapter Configuration Manager, paragraph 3.4 Configure theme 'Theme Name' for area nn
}} on how to simply put another image there, or have no image at all, or one of the many other possibilities of a theme in Website@School.
We assume you are back on Website@School Home Welcome:
Click the Page Manager icon. If necessary, in the Menu
click Pupils of Grade 8 to open the Pupils
of Grade 8 area.
In the Pupils of Grade 8 workspace, click Add a section, to go to the Add a section dialogue:
Click [Save], whereafter you are back in the Page Manager for Pupils of Grade 8. Herbert's section is added
Now is a good time to practice with creating new sections and pages.
Please do the following.
- Add a new section called 'Catherine Hayes'
- Go to the section 'Herbert Spencer' and add a subsection called
- In the subsection 'Poems' create a page called 'Cat'
Please make sure that the sections and pages you add are visible.
You can now display an overview of the complete area by setting the tree view to 'maximal'. The result could look like this:
Or it could look different. It does not matter for the exercise, it only brings you to the next paragraph.
As you can see, the new items were added at the top of the area.
That's because we did not create the new sections and the page in
Herbert's section. So we created a mess.
Now we can create some order. We want the Welcome page at the top of
the tree and the sections for the pupils in alphabetical order. Please
go ahead until the result suits your needs.
Click on the pencil icon of Catherines section. The Edit Basic properties of sectonn nn dialogue opens:
Use the Order dropdown menu to move
Catherine's section and Herbert's section.
Use the Parent section dropdown menu
to move the Poems section in Herbert's section. Finally,
also with the Parent section dropdown
menu, move the Cat poem in Poems.
Your final result could look like:
And try to expand to maximal:
We used the: Set tree view minimal and clicked on it. The tree view has a few options, they are explainded in the Page Manager chapter.
In the next paragraph, we will give Herbert access permissions to his section and pages.
In this Guided Tour we will give Herbert access permissions on his sections and pages. This is done with his Admin permissions and Page Manager permissions
Click on the Account Manager icon, to open the Account
In the Menu, click Users to open the list of users:
To set Herbert Spencer's account permissions, click on the pencil icon next to his name, to open the Edit user username (Full Name) dialogue:
Here the permission for the various managers can be set. Standard
there are no permissions fot the user; a security feature.
We only want Herbert to edit pages and upload images in his own
section. Do not make errors here and only check the boxes
'Basic administrator' permissions are always necessary when a user may
have one or more permissions but not 'All permissions' .
Check for errors and next, click [Save]. You are back on the Edit
user username (Full Name) dialogue.
In the Menu, the Page Manager
is added and accessible.
Click Page Manager to open the Page Manager permissions: username (Full Name) dialogue:
There are no permissions for the user. That's standard; a security feature. We only want to give Herbert partial permissions in the Pupils of Grade 8 area. To unfold the Grade 8 area, click on its folder icon:
Look for Herberts section and click the dropdown menu. Several Roles become visible. A 'Role' represents a set of permissions.
Roles and permissions:
We know Herbert Spencer as a responisble young man and railway enthousiast. We can give him permissions to create, delete and modify pages in his own section, as well add subsections like Poems and Papers. We think it's safe to make him Sectionmaster over his own section, so we set the dropdown menu on Sectionmaster.
Take care NOT to make Herbert Guru on all current and future areas!
Next, click [Save] to save Herbert's permissions and return to his basic properties. He can go ahead.
If Herbert would login with his user name and password, and go to the Page Manager, he would see:
Note that Herbert has no access (greyed out) to some managers, to other areas and to Catherine's section and cannot see the Intranet(s).
The access permissions are further discussed in the Configuration Manager chapter.
Click the Account Manager icon, to open the Account
In the Menu, click Users, to open the list of all users:
At the Users, click Add a user' to open the Add a new user dialogue:
A username consists of maximum 16 characters: lowercase (a-z),
digits (0-9), underscore (_) and starts with a letter.
or maria2
. These simple
passwords are easy to guess and using them endangers your complete
system and the data. Passwords must have certain properties to make
them difficult to guess. A Website@School password must:
A good password, as example, is Mrbh3ws!
. This
password is easy to remember when you know it stands for the
sentence: "My red bike has 3 wheels!". However, and that makes it
a good password, it's very difficult to guess when you do not know
the sentence. This 'sentence trick' is an easy way for pupils to
create difficult passwords and remember them with ease.
NOTICE: When your password does not meet the requirements, you
get a yellow warning message.
Harriet Tubman
.After clicking [Save], the user is added:
Maybe it's a nice exercise to create a section and pages and give Harriet her access permissions.
Assume that user Helen Parkhurst (the teacher of the Juniors) has no
permissions whatsoever. By associating her account 'hparkh' with group
'Team' and capacity 'Member' she inherits all permissions associated
with the combination Team/Member. This could mean, as example, that
she may only read the Intranet (private Area) of the Team,
while another member with the combination Team/Principal (i.e. Amelia
CAckle) has privileges to write, add and delete pages and sections for
the Team Intranet.
If Helen is subsequently associated with the group 'Juniors' in her
capacity as a 'Teacher' she enjoys all privileges associated with the
'Teacher'-capacity of the 'Juniors'-group. Her pupils may also be
associated with the group 'Juniors' but in the 'Pupil'-capacity rather
than the 'Teacher' capacity. Privileges associated with this
'Pupil'-capacity could be limited to viewing pages in a protected
area, whereas the 'Teacher' capacity would allow for adding and
editing pages to such a protected area.
To expand the example: When Helen becomes teacher for the seniors, it
is very easy to end her membership of the Juniors' area and make her a
member of the area of the Seniors.
This subject is a bit lengthy for the Guided Tour and is discussed extensively in the Account Manager chapeter, paragraph 5. Groups.
Hm, Wilhelmina tries to have a sneak preview in the poem Herbert is writing. That is, the page is in use and cannot be accessed by another person.
Here ends your guided tour. We hope we have convinced you about the
ease of use of the Website@School Content Management System.
In the other chapters we will explain, step-by-step, richly
illustrated and in depth, the many possibilities of the Website@School
CMS. Please use the Table
of Contents to select a chapter.