Procedimentos básicos para iniciantes


1. Introdução
    1.1 O que precisa de saber em primeiro lugar
    1.2 Acessos: nome de usuário e senha
    1.3 Convenções da documentação

2. Preparações
    2.1 Duas janelas de navegação
        2.1.1 Primeiro navegador: site
        2.1.2 Segundo navegador: gerenciamento
    2.2 Iniciar sessão
    2.3 Gerenciamento da página principal
        2.3.1 Características gerais
        2.3.2 Usuários invisuais e deficientes visuais
    2.4 Página de Boas-vindas explicada
    2.5 Terminar sessão

3. Áreas, seções, páginas, textos e imagens
    3.1 Adicionar uma área
    3.2 Adicionar uma página
        3.2.1 Icons de página e seções
    3.3 Adicionar um texto
    3.4 Adicionar uma imagem
        3.4.1 Selecionar a pasta correta
        3.4.2 Carregar uma imagem
        3.4.3 Inserir a imagem no página web
    3.5 Adicionar uma seção
    3.6 Criar uma ordem

4. Permissões de acessos
    4.1 Permissões do administrador
    4.2 Permissões do gerente de página

5. Adicionar um usuário

6. Grupos e capacidades

7. Vários
    7.1 Bloquear página
    7.2 Nosso ambiente de treino
    7.3 Livre-se da Escola Primária Exemplum

8. Como continuar?

1. Introdução

Website@School is a tool to create websites. On those sites you can publish web Pages. The Pages show content like texts, images, etc. or contain modules like contact forms, weblogs, chats, image galleries, collaborative editing, digital flyers, sitemaps and much more. Website@School is a Website Content Management System (CMS). The only thing you need is your browser.

[ example Website@School; website ]
An example of a site made with Website@School CMS.

1.1 What you need to know first

When you have finished this tutorial you will be able to: For our tutorial we use fictional data. A very small school with only 2 classes, a few pupils, teaching staff, team and a webmaster (you!): The Exemplum Primary School.

1.2 Access: username and password

We assume you have access to a Website@School installation with demonstration data and you have a valid username, password and full access permissions to manage Website@School.

NOTE: If you do not have access to Website@School, please read 7.2 Our sandbox to do the tutorial.

1.3 Documentation conventions

Here are the text elements that have a special markup meaning:


2. Preparations

Website@School is a Content Management System. The content that you create in the management part of Website@School, becomes visible on your school's website. Often, when you have completed an action in Website@School management, you want to immediately see the results of your action. The easiest way to do this is by using two browser windows.

2.1 Two browser windows

To work with Website@School as easily as possible, we advise you to open two browser windows on the workstation; one browser window for Website@School management and another to see the results of your work, i.e. the website.

For schools, it might be wise to have two separate workstations with their own browsers; one for Website@School management and the other to display the website being managed. All popular browsers (Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Safari, etc.) are compatible with Website@School. On most browsers, pressing the [F5] key refreshes the web page content.

2.1.1 First browser: website

Open the websites viewing browser window. Go to the URL (Uniform Resource Locator) of your school. For example: This is a fictional URL, replace it with the real URL of your school. Only replace the URL part of your school, do not delete the index.php part.
With the demonstration data installed during the installation of Website@School, the following school web page will be displayed:

[ Exemplum Primary School website, demonstration data, welcome page ]
Now click on the News link and you will see:
[ The Exemplum Primary School webiste ]
You see:
  1. Pages: Welcome, Latest news, Newsletter and Old news. Pages can be grouped in Sections.
  2. Sections: School Info, News, Search, MyPage. Sections can contain sub-sectios (sections in sections) like the sub section of News: Archives, which contains the Pages: Old news and Old newsletters. Sections and Pages can be grouped in Areas
  3. Area: An Area represents a complete website in its self. Areas can be public (accessible for everyone), like the selected Exemplum Primary School Area. Or Areas can be private (only accessible with a username and password). Areas are selected in the Select area dropdown menu.
  4. Select area: In the dropdown menu you select which Area is visible. About the Area of the Senior pupils: you will make it yourself.
Please click on MyPage and try the modules like the Mailpage, Weblog, Aggregator, Snapshots, Chat, etc.

2.1.2 Second browser: management

Now open a second browser window either on this workstation or on a second workstation. Go to:
(This again is a fictional URL, replace it with the real URL of your school. Only replace the URL part of the school, keep the admin.php part.)
You will see the login dialogue giving access to Website@School Management:
[ Exemplum Primary School: login page ]
You are now ready to log in.

2.2 Logging in

We will now explain the login webpage.
[ Exemplum Primary School, login page: username: wblade, password: *********** ]
Items in the Login web page:

Press the [Enter] key on your keyboard, or click the [OK] button to login to Website@School Home Welcome web page.

2.3 Management Home page

When you have successfully logged in (see yellow status bar and message), you are on the Website@School Welcome page:
[ Management home: Message= succes. Welcome ]

2.3.1 General features

Website@School has a number of features that make your life easy. Below we explain the header of the Welcome page:
[ Strikethrough texts for managers, public area and logout ]

2.3.2 Blind and visually impaired Users

The management interface of Website@School can be customized. These adaptions (called 'Skins') can be set for each individual User in the User settings. This is done in the Account Manager > Users > User name > Basic properties > Drop down menu: Skins. For an overview of skins, see the chapter Account Manager, section 5. Skins.

2.4 The Welcome page explained

After a successful login you enter the Home or Welcome page:
[ Management home: Message= succes. Welcome ]
The page is divided in a header, menu, workplace and footer. From here all management functions are accessible.

Header pane:

Yellow status bar: Displays copy & paste status messages. See 2.3.1 General features.

Below the status bar the screen is divided in 2 panes:

Bottom bar:

2.5 Logging out

It is very important to log out cleanly and formally. Do not terminate your session by clicking the X in the browser corner or exiting your browser via its Exit option. This causes an error message at your next log in. For an explanation and help, see section 7. Error messages below.

Clicking on the text in the upper right corner of the screen (logout Wilhelmina Bladergroen), will log you out cleanly.

[ Exemplum Primary School, logout page: Message= success, pop up: success ]
The pop-up message confirms your successful logout. To log in again, click [OK] in the pop up message.


3. Areas, Sections, pages, text and image

In this section, you will create a new Area and a Welcome page for the 'Seniors' Area, add a Section for seniors 'Andrew Reese' and 'Catherine Hayes', and then create the actual web pages with text and images.

3.1 Add an Area

An Area represents a complete website in itself. So we start by creating a new Area and this is done from the Welcome management page:
[ Management home: Welcome ]

Click the Configuration Manager [ Configuration Manager ] icon, to open the Configuration Manager dialogue:

[ Configuration Manager ]

In the Menu, click Areas to open the Areas dialogue:

[ Configuration Manager: Areas ]

In Areas pane, click Add an Area to open the Add an Area dialogue:

[ Configuration Manager: Add an Area, entry fields ]

Click the [Done] button to return to the Areas dialogue:

[ Configuration Manager: Message= success. Areas: Area added ]

The Areas dialogue is now displayed. The Senior Pupils Area has been added. Notice the message in the yellow status bar.

3.2 Add a page

In this paragraph you will create a welcome page for the new Area. Return to Welcome page by clicking on the [icon home ] Home icon:
[ Management home: Welcome ]

Click the Page Manager [ Page Manager ] icon, to open the Page Manager dialogue. In the Workplace pane, the name of the Area Exemplum Primary School is displayed:

[ Page Manager: Exemplum Primary School ]

The Menu pane shows the list of Areas you can manage. The Exemplum Primary School is highlighted so the pages and sectionss belonging to that Area are displayed in the Workplace pane, i.e. the Exemplum Primary School

We are interested in your new Area, so in the Menu, click on Senior Pupils to enter your new Area.

[ Page Manager: Seniors: no nodes ]

Notice that no nodes [*] (pages and sections) exist as yet in our new Area. We will now add a node with a page.
[*] Node: computer jargon, meaning, a basic unit used to build data structures.

Click Add a page, to open the Add a page dialogue:

[ Page Manager: Add a page: entry fields ]

Click [Done] to save the page details. The Page Manager of the Area is now displayed. Notice the status message shown:

[ Page Manager: Message= success. Seniors: Welcome page added ]

The Welcome page has been added. Notice the the icons to the left of the Welcome page text. They are explained below.

3.2.1 Page and Section icons

When a page (or a Section) is created, its properties and features can be modified by using the clickable icons.
[ Page Manager: page and section icons ]

The icons are:

NOTE: Capitals between '[ ]' (brackets) are for visually impaired, using the skin specially designed for them. See Account Manager section 5. Skins.
  1. [ icon: home visible ] Home or [H] or [ icon: not home ] Not Home or [_] icon: A visible Home icon indicates the default (opening) page of an Area, Section or Page, i.e the first page seen in that Area or Section. A greyed out Home icon indicates that these areas, sections or pages are not the opening ones.
  2. [ icon: trashcan ] Trashcan icon or [D]: Click to delete an Area, Section or Page.
  3. [ icon: edit ] Pencil icon or [E]: To edit the basic properties of an Area, Section or Page.
  4. [ icon: visible ] Visible or [_] or [ ]Invisible or [I]: These icons have two functions:
    - 1. The icons indicate whether a page or section is visible, invisible or hidden. For the difference between 'invisible' and 'hidden', see chapter Page Manager, section 3.1 Add a page.
    - 2. Clicking on the icons opens the advanced editing options.
  5. [ icon: preview ] Page preview or [P] or [ icon: folder closed ] Folder icon or [+]: These icons have two functions:
    - 1. Clicking the Page preview icon displays the content of the page in a new window.
    - 2. Clicking on the folder icon opens its tree structure and shows its underlying pages and/or folders. Clicking on the opened folder closes it.
  6. Page/Section name: Clicking the page name gives access to the page. Clicking the section name opens, like the section icon, the section folder.
  7. (n): The Section/page number. Every page or section has a unique number.
  8. name: The abbreviated name of the module connected to the page.
NOTE: The pencil, visible/invisible icons and page/Section names are all clickable links:

Now set the Home icon by clicking on the (greyed out) Home icon to make the page the home page:

[ Page Manager: Seniors: home set ]

NOTE: It is not necessary to set the home icon because something will always be displayed, even an empty page. But it is good practice to set the home icon now.

Although the page is visible, it has no content yet. In the next section we will add some text and an image to the page.

3.3 Add some text

We will now add some content to the page. When in the Senior Pupils Area, click the Welcome page, to open the page editor:
[ Page Manager: FCK editor: opened. Other managers, logout and public area inaccessible ]
The Editor is a WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) text editor, which is fully explained via links in chapter Editors. You will also find a list of keyboard shortcuts there.

There is one property of the editor which we advise you to use. Click on the Maximize the editor size [ FCK editor: maximize editor size ] icon at the right side of the bottom row of icons. The editor will now occupy the full screen allowing you more room on the screen to create your text and add images.

Please enter some text, for example:

Hello World!

This is the welcome page of the Seniors. 

We hope you enjoy our pages.

[ FCK editor: maximized. Text added ]

Save the text in the editor, either with the Save [ FCK editor: save ] icon, or use [Ctrl+Shift+S] on your keyboard. After saving you return to the Page Manager.
You can also use the [Save] and [Done] buttons. Please see [Save], [Done], [Cancel] in this tutorial.

NOTE: Save often as it reduces the risk of losing the text due to a sudden workstation failure or losing connection to the school server or the Internet.

After saving, you return to the small sized editor:

[ Page Manager: Message= success. Seniors ]
Click [Done] to return to the Page Manager:
[ Page Manager: Message= success. Seniors ]

You have returned to the Page Manager in the Senior Pupils Area. Check your results by clicking on the Page Preview [ FCK Editor: Page preview ] icon. A new window opens showing you what the page will look like on the website:

[ Page Manager: preview of Area: Seniors ]

If you prefer to see a full screen page, right click on the preview icon and select Open Link in New Window (in Firefox).
Close the window and you are back in the Page Manager dialogue of the Senior Pupils Area.
In the next paragraph, we will add a photograph of the seniors class to the Welcome page.

3.4 Add an image

In this paragraph we will add an image* to the 'Welcome' page of Senior Pupils. This is done in three steps :
  1. Selecting the right folder.
  2. Uploading an image to your schools web server.
  3. Inserting the image into the web page.

* We assume you have an image and know where it is on your computer.

3.4.1 Select the right folder

In the Welcome page, click on the Page Manager [ icon page manager ] icon and select in the Menu the Senior Pupils Area:

[ Page Manager: Seniors ]

In the Senior Pupils workspace, click the Welcome (37) page link.
The page editor opens. Maximize the editor workspace by clicking the maximize [ FCK editor: maximize editor size ] icon.

[ FCK editor: maximized, text ]

Proceed as follows:

The Image Properties dialogue opens:

[ FCK editor maximized with Image Properties window ]

In the Image Properties dialogue, click the [Browse Server] button, to open the My Files dialogue:

[ My Files ]

There are no files present at this time; not in your personal file storage (called 'My Files') or in the storage space associated with the Area 'Senior Pupils'.

You must first upload an image to your Website@School server before you can insert it in your web page. Please see the next paragraph.

3.4.2 Upload an image

Navigate to the folder where the files for the Area of the Senior Pupils are to be stored.
Use the 'breadcrumb trail' at the top bar to quickly move to the top level folder 'All Files' by clicking the all files link. Next click the folder named Areas and then the folder named Senior pupils. You are now in the correct folder, i.e. Senior Pupils:
[ Seniors ]

Click Add (upload) files, to enter the Add (upload) files dialogue:

[ Add (upload) files, entry field, browse buttons ]

You can upload files directly from the computer your are now working on to your school server.
The number of uploadable files can be changed. Please see the Configuration Manager to change this. Default is 8. Multiple file upload is also possible. Do not uncheck the 'Resize images' checkbox. For both features and help, please see the File Manager chapter.

Click the [Browse] button for Filename (1), to open a dialogue on your computer allowing you to navigate to the path and filename of a file you want to upload:

[ Add (upload) files. File upload window, file selected ]

Select the file and click [Open] (the button name depends on your operating system: Mac, Linux or Windows PC):

[ Add (upload) files: Filenme (1): file path entered ]

The path and the filename on your computer are now visible in the Filename (1) field. Click [Done] to upload the file to the school server. After this, you return to the Senior Pupils Area file space:

[ Seniors: Message= success ]

The image has been uploaded to your schools Website@School server. Notice the confirmation message displayed in the yellow status bar. The file has been scanned for viruses and a thumbnail has been automatically created.

3.4.3 Insert the image into the web page

Click on the thumbnail of the image. The Image Properties dialogue is displayed:

[ FCK editor maximized: Image Properties window with image ]

Here you can add or modify additional properties of the image. For now, simply press the [OK] button to insert the image into the page:

[ FCK edtor maximized: text and image, image too big ]

You can easily change the image size by clicking on any corner of it and, while keeping the left mouse button pressed, simply enlarge or shrink it to the desired size.

[ FCK editor maximized: image resized ]
Click the Save icon to return to:
[ FCK editor maximized: image resized ]

Click [Done] to save your page and return to the Page Manager.

[ Pagemanager: page saved ]

You are now back on the Page Manager in the Senior Pupils Area.
If you wish, you can display your page by pressing the Page preview icon; this has already been explained before. It is more fun to go directly to the Website@School website:

[ Exemplum Primary School home site ]

Use the dropdown menu Select Area and select the Senior Pupils Area. If you do not have JavaScript, click the [Go] button:

[ Area: Seniors. Welcome page, logo picture changed ]
Photo by courtesy of the pupils of Grade 7 of the Barbara school, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

Not only are you on the site of the Seniors, but, just for this occasion, we replaced our logo with the one of the Seniors. This is a simple operation. Please see chapter Bazaar Style Style, paragraph 2. Replace the Website@School logo to simply put a new image here, or to leave it blank. Or see one of the other available themes in the Website@School index.

3.5 Add a section

In this paragraph, we will add a new Section for Andrew Reese, a senior student. He has a classmate called Catherine Hayes.

Please go to the Website@School Welcome page:

[ Management home: Welcome ]

Click the Page Manager [ Page Manager ] icon. Then in the Menu, click Senior Pupils to open the Senior Pupils Area dialogue:

[ Page Manager: Seniors ]

In the Senior Pupils workspace, click Add a section, to go to the Add a section dialogue:

[ Page Manager: Add a section, entry fields ]
Explanation of the displayed items:

Click [Done] to save the Section data. After doing this, you are back in the Page Manager for Senior Pupils. The Section for Andrew has been added:

[ Page Manager: Message= success, Seniors, section added ]

The following exercise is useful to practice creating new sections and pages. Proceed as follows:

- Add 2 new section called 'Catherine Hayes' and 'Poems'
- Create a page for a poem called 'Cat'

Make sure that the sections and pages you add are Visible.

You can now display an overview of the complete Area by setting the tree view to maximal.
The result could look like this:

[ Page Manager: Seniors: page and sections added ]

Or it could look different, but that does not matter for this exercise; it merely serves to bring you to the next paragraph.

3.6 Create some order

We assume you are in the Page Manager and in the Area Senior Pupils.
If you completed the exercises described above, the screen you see might look somewhat like:
[ Page Manager: Seniors: page and sections added ]

You will notice the new items were added at the top of the Area. That is because we did not create the new Sections and the page within Andrew's Section. This is not what we really want for the structure of the website. Now is the time to put things right and arrange them in the order we want. We want the Welcome page at the top of the tree structure and the Sections belonging to the Seniors placed in alphabetical order below it. And we want the poem in Andrew's poems section.

This is how you can adjust the items to suit your desired order:

Click on the pencil icon of Catherine's Section. The Edit Basic properties of section nn dialogue opens:

[ Page Manager: Edit basic properties of section n, dropdown menu: Order, opened on After page 34 (Welcome), ]

Use the Order dropdown menu to move Catherine's section and Andrew's section.
Use the Parent section dropdown menu to move the Poems section to Andrew's section.
Finally, also with the Parent section dropdown menu, move the Cat poem to Poems.

Your final result could look like this:

[ Page Manager: Seniors. Ordering ready ]

Now expand the display to maximal to show the items in the structure:

[ Page Manager: Seniors. Tree view expanded ]

We used the 'Set tree view to minimal' and clicked on it. The tree view has a few options, which are explained in the Page Manager chapter.

In the next section, we will give Andrew the necessary Access permissions to his Section and pages.


4. Access permissions

In this paragraph, only the basics of access management are discussed. More sophisticated management is discussed in the Account Manager chapter.

In this tutorial, we will assign access permissions to Andrew's Sections and pages. This is done from within his Admin and Page Manager permissions.

Click on the Account Manager [ Account Manager ] icon, to open the Account Manager:

[ Account Manager: Account Manager. Summary of Users and groups ]

In the Menu, click Users to open the list of Users:

[ Account Manager: Users ]

To set Andrew Reese's account permissions, click on the pencil icon next to his name, to open the Edit User username (Full Name) dialogue:

[ Account Manager: Edit User andrew (Andrew Reese) ]

4.1 Administrator permissions

Continue as follows. In the Menu, click on Admin, to enter the Administrator permissions: username (Full Name) dialogue:
[ Account Manager: Administrator permissions: andrew (Andrew Reese). Checked: Basic administrator, Page Manager and File Manager ]

On this page you can set the permissions for the various management tasks. Default there are no permissions set for a new user. This is a security feature.
We want to limit Andrew's permissions to editing his pages and uploading images in his own file space 'My Files'. That is why we only check the boxes for the following options:

NOTE: For normal Users, 'Basic administrator' permission is always necessary. The User can also be given extra permissions but never assign 'All permissions' to an ordinary User.

Click [Done] to save the User's permissions. You are now positioned back on the Edit User username (Full Name) dialogue.
In the Menu, the Page Manager link has now been added and is accessible.

4.2 Page Manager permissions

In the previous paragraph we have made the Page Manager and File Manager accessible for user Andrew. This results in adding the Page Manager link, as can be seen in the screenshot below.
We can now grant Andrw access to only his section and page(s) to create content and add files via the File Manager.
[ Account Manager: Message= success. Edit user andrew (Andrew Reese). In Menu Page Manager link added ]

Click on Page Manager to open the Page Manager permissions: username (Full Name) dialogue:

[ Account Manager: Page Manager permissions: andrew (Andrew Reese) ]

You can see there are no permissions at all assigned to User Andrew. This is a standard security feature. We only want to grant Andrew partial permissions to his own section in the Senior Pupils Area.
To open the Senior Pupils Area, click on the folder [ icon: folder closed ] icon of 'Area 4: Senior Pupils', to open its tree:

[ Account Manager: Page Manager permissions: andrew: (Andrew Reese). Dropdown menu: section Andrew Reese: Sectionmaster ]

Look for 'Section 38: Andrew Reese' and click to open its dropdown menu. Several Roles become visible. A 'Role' represents a set of permissions. These access permissions are discussed in depth in the Account Manager chapter.

We trust Andrew Reese so we can give him permission to create, delete and modify pages in his own Section, as well add subsections like Poems and Papers. It is safe to make him Sectionmaster over his own Section, so we set the dropdown menu to Sectionmaster.

Be very careful NOT to assign Andrew permissions as Guru on all current and future Areas!

Now click [Done] to save Andrew's permissions and return to his basic properties.

When Andrew logs in with his username and password, he sees the following page when he navigates to the Page Manager:

[ Page Manager: Seniors, Andrew's section accessible ]

NOTE: Andrew has no access (greyed out) to the other management tasks. Nor to the other Areas (also greyed out) or to Catherine's section (greyed out) and he has no knowledge of the existence of Intranet(s).

The access permissions are further discussed in the Account Manager chapter.


5. Adicionar um usuário

In this section we will create a user account for the new teacher Mary Astell.

Click the Account Manager [ Account Manager ] icon, to open the Account Manager:

[ Account Manager: Account Manager, summary of users and groups ]

In the Menu, click Users, to open the list of all Users:

[ Account Manager: Users ]

At the Users, click Add a User to open the Add a new User dialogue:

[ Account Manager: Add a new User, entry fields ]
Click [Done] to return to the list of Users. The user is added:
[ Account Manager: Message= success. Users, User added ]

At this point, it is a good exercise to add a new User called mastell who is a new teacher in the school and to create a Section and pages for her.

6. Grupos e capacidades

The Groups and Capacities feature enables creating groiups and in those groups give differentiated permissions to its members.

In this way we can create a Group consisting of say: Teachers and Pupils. Teachers can have diffeent permissions compared to Pupils. That is, the Teachers may add sections and pages to an Area, whereas the Pupils may only add pages to a section.

Now, when creating accounts, we do not have to give 20 pupils their permissions one by one. It's annoyingly, time consuming and error prone to each time in Admin give Basic-, Page Manager and File Maanger permmssions and next in Page Manger grant permissions in the specific Area, eanble the right Role in the dropdown menu.
With the Groups and Campacites feature we simply make the 20 pupils a Pupil in the Group 'Class Name' as Pupil. And we make their teacher a Teacher in the group 'Class Name'. Now we can make Pupils a Sectionmaster and Teacher 'Areamaster'. That's all.

The power of Groups, Capacities and Roles, combined with Areas, Sections and Pages deserves more than this too short explanation. The features are extensively discussed in the Account Manager.


7. Miscellaneous

7.1 Locked page

It is very important to log out cleanly and formally. Do not terminate your session by clicking the X in the browser corner or exiting your browser via its Exit option. This causes an error message when you next log in:
[ Page maager, error message= page locked, click OK to unlock ]
The page owner is the same person as the one who wants access to the page. Click the [OK] button to unlock the page. The page is accessible again.

If the one who tries to access the page is the owner of the page, it suffices to click the [OK] button to unlock the page.

When a User selects a page that is in use by someone else, he will see the following screen:

[ Page manager: message= page locked, pop up: page locked. Seniors ]

The message says that the webmaster Wilhelmina tries to open the page Andrew is working in. This means the page is in use and cannot be unlocked by Wilhelmina.

NOTE: In this case, only the owner of the page has access to the unlock feature.

7.2 Our sandbox

When you have no access to Website@School, or you want to do a test drive, you can use our Sandbox. It's like a real sandbox, it's cleaned every night, i.e. your data will be erased. The sandbox can be found at:

To login in to the Website@School sandbox, go to:, where you find:

[ Sandbox: login page ]
Login with:
Username: jtester
Password: Jtester4U
Click the [OK] button, after which you will see the following screen:
[ Sandbox: login page ]
You are now in Website@School Management, on the Welcome page. You can start your tutorial. Please bear in mind: the sandbox is refreshed every night at 04.00 +1 TZ (Time Zone) and all your test data is erased.

7.3 Get rid of the Exemplum Primary School

There are a number of ways:


8. Como continuar?

Congratulations! You know about Areas, Sections, Pages, how to create text and add images, create a user account and assign basic permissions.

Now it's time to add more public and private Areas and giving each one modules like: contact forms, sitemaps, image galleries, multiple weblogs, chats, collaborative editors, ? In the 'Modules' section of the Table of Contents, we explain in detail how to add these functions and configure them. On the top of that page you find a clickable link to a long page with a searchable list of the contents of all chapters. Easy if you are looking for something specific.

You can find example modules in the demonstration data:

[ EPS MyPage showcase modules ]

Happy learnng!


Author: Dirk Schouten < dirk (at) websiteatschool (dot) eu >
Last updated: 2014-09-13, version 1.54