1. Introduction
1.1 Features
1.2 Assumptions
2. Page Manager overview
2.1 Clickable links and
3. Pages
3.1 Add a page
3.2 Basic properties: Edit basic
properties of page nn
3.3 Advanced: Edit advanced
properties of page nn
3.4 Content
3.5 Delete a page
4. Sections
4.1 Add a section
4.2 Basic properties: Edit basic
properties of section nn
4.3 Advanced: Edit advanced
properties of section nn
4.4 Delete a section
5. Moving areas, sections and pages
6. Locked pages
7. To conclude
With the Page Manager you manage the website of a school. The
website contains Areas. An Area is a separate part of the website
that, for the website visitor, appears as a site on its own.
Examples: the Area of the Board, an Area for the team, several
Areas for teachers and their subjects, Areas for grade 3, 4, 5,
6, 7 and 8, for the parents committee, for all other workgroups,
et cetera.
Areas that are not publicly accessible are Private Areas (also
called Intranets). These Areas are only accessible with a
username and password. Everyone can have an Intranet, if
necessary. In this way a the website of the school can contain
dozens of public- and private Areas.
An Area contains nodes. A node, in computer terminology,
represents a basic unit used to build data structures such as
linked lists and trees. In Website@School nodes can be sections
and pages in Areas.
If one compares a site with a hard disk, the Areas resemble the
partitions on the disk like C:\, D:\, etc.
Sections are distinct parts of an Area. A section can be, for
example, School info, Parents, Health
Care, Poems, et cetera. Sections can contain sub
sections, sub sub-sectons and even much deeper.
To stay in the disk metaphor, sections resemble directories or
folders on a hard disk.
Nodes can also be pages. A page needs a module so you can do
something with the page.A module is a self-contained component of
a system, which has a well-defined interface to the other
components. In Website@School a module can be virtually
everything. A module can be a word processor to create pages with
texts and images, like the 'School Guide' or a poem. A module can
also be a Guestbook to fill out by your website visitors, or an
e-mail page, a weblog, a chat, a Sitemap, a Forum, etc.
To stay in computer terms, a page is like a file. And a file can
be almost anything.
For an overview of the available modules, see the Table of contents, paragraph
The general idea of the Page
Manager was described above. Below its main features are
described in no particular order.
General: Manage the Areas (Public and
Private (Intranets)), sections and pages. Areas, sections and
pages can completely consist of images, enabling navigation
by illiterates, young children, display, strips, etc.
Areas can be managed in the Page Manager, but not created or
deleted. This is done in the Configuration Manager and is
discussed in chapter Configuration Manager, paragraph
3. Areas.
- Sections: Create, edit and delete
sections. Set properties of sections: the name of a section, a
short description, the location in the tree (set parent section
and order in that section), make a section read only or hidden,
set embargo-, expiry date and time. Only icons can be used to
'name' sections, thus enabling a completely visual site for
illiterates or young children.
Pages: Create, edit and delete pages. Set
properties on pages: name , short description, change area,
location in the tree (set parent section and order in that
section), select a module for the page, make the page
visible, hidden [1] or under embargo, set embargo- and expiry
date and time, use icons to 'name' pages and define height
and width.
[1] NOTE:
Hidden does not mean inactive. A hidden page
is retrievable, if the URL is known. Selecting
embargo and expiry results in inactive
pages; i.e. not visible and not retrievable even when the URL
is known.
- Grayed out: Public Areas, sections and
pages you have no access to are grayed out.
- Invisible: Private Areas (Intranets) you
have no access to are invisible for you.
- Bazaar Style Style: Edit style at section
and page level. For an explanation, see appendix Viewpoints, paragraph 4.2 Bazaar Style Style. The technical
details are discussed in chapter Bazaar Style Style.
- Move: Move Areas, sections and pages
between Areas and sections. This feature enables easy
manipulation of content and splitting or merging Areas and
- Tree views: The mode in which the
area/section/page tree is shown, can be set to maximal, minimal
or customized.
- Module: Attach a module to a node (page).
For an overview of the available modules, see the Table of contents, paragraph
Locking: Sections or pages that are
processed are locked. A locked section or page cannot be
processed by other users. If another users tries to access a
page in use, a warning message is displayed, telling who is
processing the page. A locked page can be unlocked by its
If a section is locked, the underlying pages and subsections
are NOT locked.
- E-mail alerts: Most actions in the Page
Manager result in sending e-mail alerts. This is discussed in
chapter Configuration Manager, paragraph 5. Alerts.
This chapter elaborates on
other chapters. We assume you have read and done the
General part of the Table of Contents.
We also assume you have Guru permissions on a
Website@School site with installed demonstration data.
To open the Page
Manager, please click on the Page Manager
icon to enter the Exemplum
Primary School dialogue:
The Page Manager opens on the Exemplum Primary
School Area, i.e. the Home Area, i.e the
starting area of the site. For further details, please see the
chapter Configuration Manager, paragraph 3. Areas.
Menu pane: Depending on the task you are
performing the Menu can have two modes:
- Workplace pane: The right pane of the
screen shows the title of the Area and it's pages and sections
in the form of a 'bottom up' expandable tree. All sections and
subsections are displayed minimal.
When pages or sections are created or managed, the workplace is
used for that purpose.
- Add a page: By
clicking the link you enter the Add a page
dialogue. This option is discussed in paragraph 3. Pages and its subsections.
- Add a section:
By clicking the link you enter the Add a
section dialogue. This option is discussed in
paragraph 4. Sections.
Set tree view: Three clickable links are
available to perform the following actions:
- maximal:
Fully expands the tree, showing all underlying sections,
subsections and pages.
- minimal:
Collapses the tree as much as possible. Only the root
section(s) and page(s) are shown.
- customized:
When certain section(s) were manually opened, whereupon
maximal or minimal was selected, the customized link reopens the section(s) you
had previously (manually) opened.
In the
list of pages and sections, pages are associated with 6
clickable links: 5 icons and the title of the page. All 6
clickable links can be used to manipulate page or section
properties one way or another. Some of the icons also
provide a visual indication of a particular aspect of the
page, e.g. is this page the default page or not, or is
this page visible, invisible or hidden.
The icons are:
NOTE: Capitals between '[ ]'
(brackets) are for visually impaired, using the skin
specially designed for them. See Account Manager section 5. Skins.
Home or [H]
Not Home or [_]
icon: A visible Home icon indicates the
default (opening) page of an Area, Section or Page, i.e
the first page seen in that Area or Section. A grayed
out Home icon indicates that these areas, sections or
pages are not the opening ones.
Trashcan icon or
[D]: Click to delete an Area, Section or
Pencil icon or [E]:
To edit the basic properties of an Area, Section
or Page.
Visible or [_]
Invisible or [I]: These icons
have two functions:
- 1. The icons indicate whether a page or section is visible,
invisible or hidden. For the difference between 'invisible' and
'hidden', see chapter Page
Manager, section 3.1 Add a
- 2. Clicking on the icons opens the advanced editing
Page preview or
[P] or
Folder icon or
[+]: These icons have two functions:
- 1. Clicking the Page preview icon displays the content of the
page in a new window.
- 2. Clicking on the folder icon opens its tree structure and
shows its underlying pages and/or folders. Clicking on the
opened folder closes it.
- Page/Section name
Page/Section name: Clicking the page
name gives access to the page. Clicking the section
name opens, like the section icon, the section
- (n) n: The
Section/page number. Every page or section has a unique
- name name:
The abbreviated name of the module connected to the page.
The icons 8 (Pencil), 9 (Visible/Invisible) and 10 (Page/Section)
directly lead to 3 options of editing:
- Pencil: Basic
- Visible/invisible: advanced
- Page/section: content
These direct links can serve as shortcuts, saving you a mouse
To add a page, click in the
Page Manager overview the Add a page
link to open the Add a page dialogue:
Name: The name of the page,
for example: Welcome.
In this field at least one character must be entered. If a
space is entered (for example for a complete visual site),
the Page Manager indicates the page as (page/section nn has no name) and in a
breadcrumb trail the page is displayed as [nn].
- Description of the
page/section: In this field at least one character
must be entered.
The description is shown when hovering over the page name and
in the URL (Universal Resource Locator). For example, when
Welcome to our website is entered in this field, this
description is visible as:
Do not add the underscores, they are automatically added.
Parent section:
The dropdown menu can be used to put the page at the top
of the Area or at the top of a section. The place can be
changed later on. If not selected, the new page will be
placed at the top of the area.
WARNING! Once you have selected a module and you have used
it, created data, changing to another module for this
page destroys ALL data generated by the first chosen
A better idea is to move this page to an (invisible) Archive
In the dropdown menu select the module to attach it to
this page (node). If the Plain HTML-page
(htmlpage) is selected, it depends on the users
preference, which text editor will be used (Plain HTML editor
of F(CK) Editor). This preference is set in the users Basic
Initial visibility: Three options are
- Save, Done, Cancel: Please see Save, Done, Cancel in the Basic procedures for beginners.
Now basic- and advanced properties can be set. Please see
3.2 Basic properties: Edit basic properties of
page nn and 3.3 Advanced: Edit advanced properties of page
Clicking on the Pencil icon of a page opens the
Edit basic properties of page nn dialogue:
- Name: The name can be
changed. In this field at least one character must be
- Description of the
page/section: The description can be changed. In this
field at leas one character must be entered.
- Parent section: Use the
drowpdown menu to select the section for this page.
If not already set when the page was created, it can be set
now, if necessary in conjunction with the
Order dropdown menu, discussed next.
In the dropdwon menu select where to put the page in its
The above two options enable you to move the page to all
places in the Area. If you want to move the page outside the
Area, see paragraph 3.3 Advanced under
Module: If absolutely
necessary another module can be chosen here.
When changing to another module ALL data in the old
module will be lost. Maybe it's a better idea to move this
page to an archive or make it inactive.
- Save, Done, Cancel: Please see Save, Done, Cancel in the Basic procedures for beginners.
Clicking on the page Visible/Invisible icon of a
page opens the Edit advanced properties of page
nn dialogue:
- Readonly [ ] Make the page/section
readonly: Checking this option makes the
page read only. This means that it's impossible to change its
properties or delete the page. This is a feature. For example,
when you have created HTML code, the FCK editor sometimes ruins
your carefully created code when editing that page. By making a
page read only, you have to think twice. Why did you make this
page read only?
In this dropdown menu you can select another Area for this
page. The page will be moved to the top of the tree in the
chosen area and can be further moved with the Edit
basic properties of page nn dialogue, by using the
Parent section and Order
dropdown menus.
Icon pathname: Instead of a
page name, an icon can be selected as page name. Do not
forget to put spaces in the Name and Description fields.
This is a useful feature for sites for illiterates or
kindergartens. It's thus possible to create a completely
visual Area and navigate via icons. The file path can be
formed in three ways:
- From the CMS program folder: For
. No
leading slash!
- From CMS data folder: Use the Fileroot
program as prefix for the path to the logo, for
. A
slash after /file.php
- From an URL: For example
- Icon width: Specifies the
width of the icon in pixels.
- Icon height: Specifies the
height of the icon in pixels.
Hidden [ ] Hide the
page/section: To hide the page, check this option.
Hidden does not mean inactive. A hidden
page is retrievable, if the URL is known. Selecting
embargo and expiry result in inactive
pages; i.e. not visible and not retrievable.
- Embargo: Set the date and
time on which the page will become visible and retrievable. The
date/time format must be:
yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss. Notice the space between date and
Expiry: Set the date and time
on which the page will become invisible and no longer
retrievable, even if the URL is known. The date/time format
must be:
yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss. Notice the space between date
and time.
An illustration of expiry and embargo can be found in the
demonstration data, in three different pages in the section
'School Info'.
- Extra style at page/section
level: The extra style options are extensively
discussed in chapter Bazaar Style Style, paragraph 3.1 BSS at Area level
- Save, Done, Cancel: Please see Save, Done, Cancel in the Basic procedures for beginners.
Clicking the Content link gives access to the configuration
options of the earlier chosen module. Below are some examples.
The chosen module was the Plain HTML-page
(htmlpage). In this case this user has selected the
FCK editor as her default word processor in:
Account Manager > Users > <username> > Editors
drop down menu > FCK Editor.
The chosen module was the Plain HTML-page
(htmlpage). In this case this user has set the
Plain Editor as her default text editor> as
her default text editor in: Account Manager > Users >
<username> > Editors drop down menu > Plain
When adding the page, the Sitemap module was chosen in the
Module dropdown menu.
Management of modules can be found in their chapters, please
see the Table of contents, under
Clicking on the Trashcan
icon opens the Confirm delete of page nn Page Name
(Page description) dialogue:
Your last chance to decide. Are you sure? Sometimes it's
better to create an inactive Archive section to store
once carefully created content.
- Delete: To delete the page. After deleting
you will be directed to the Page Manager main screen.
- Cancel: To cancel your apparently unwise
action and return to the page manager main screen.
Deleting pages does not delete the associated files. Deleting
files is discussed in the File Manager chapter, paragraph 4. Delete files and folders
Sections are added, edited and
deleted in exactly the same way as pages. Since sections can
only contain pages, their only differ in that they lack the
dropdown menu to add a module and the options to add a target
and an URL.
For explanations, please refer to 3. Pages because in this paragraph we
keep it short only showing pictures.
Clicking the Add a section link opens the Add a
section dialogue:
For the explanation, please see 3.1 Add a page.
Clicking on the name or the pencil icon of
the newly created section opens the Edit basic
properties of section nn dialogue:
For the explanation, please see 3.2 Basic properties: Edit basic properties of
page nn.
Clicking the 'visible/invisible page' icon, opens
the Edit advance properties of section nn
For the explanation, please see 3.3 Advanced: Edit advanced properties of page
A section can be
immediately deleted when it has pages in it. The pages will
also be immediately deleted.
A section cannot be deleted if it contains non-empty
subsection(s). These sections first have to be deleted before the
parent section can be deleted. This is a security feature.
Clicking on the Trashcan icon opens the Confirm delete
of section nn Section Name (Description of the section)
Your last chance to decide. Are you sure? Is this section really
- Delete: To delete the section and pages in
it. After deleting you will be directed to the Page Manager
main screen.
- Cancel: To cancel your apparently unwise
action and return to the page manager main screen.
Trying to delete a section that contains non-empty
The directory contents of both 'School Info' and 'News' can be
seen. You first have to delete the underlying section(s) before
you can delete the 'News' section.
Deleting a section with pages that are processed (i.e. in use and
thus locked), will delete the the empty sections and pages in it,
but not delete the parent section and the locked
page(s). You will get an error message.
You first have to unlock the section or page before you
can delete it. For details on locking and unlocking pages, see
paragraph 6. Locked pages.
Deleting sections and pages does not delete the associated files.
Deleting files is discussed in the File Manager chapter, paragraph 4. Delete files and folders
content of Areas (Public and Private (Intranets)),
i.e. sections and pages can be moved with the basic and
advanced properties of pages and sections.
It is not possible to change a Public Area into a Private one and
vice versa. This is a security feature.
Please bear in mind that (as example) images in pages, are
possibly stored in their Area directories or subdirectories.
Moving the content of an Area to another area will most probably
result in links that need fixing.
Users accidentally close their
browser with an open session. For example by clicking on the
'X' in one of the top corners of the browser. Or a User tries
to access a page that, at the same time, is in use by another
Both actions result in a locked (unaccessible) page. Below both
cases and unlocking the page are described.
In the case below, the same User, after closing the browser
without logging out, logs in again and tries to access the page.
This results in:
The page owner is the same person as the one who wants
access to the page. Click the [OK] button to unlock the page. The
page is accessible again.
When a User selects a page by wich is in use by another User,
she sees:
The message says that the webmaster Wilhelmina tries to open
the page Andrew is working in. This means the page is in use and
cannot be accessed by another User at the same time.
this case, only the owner of the page has access to the unlock
feature and must unlock that page.
No conclusions so far.
Author: Dirk Schouten <dirk (at) websiteatschool (dot)
Last updated: 2014-11-10 version 1.17