Author: Dirk Schouten, schoutdi (at) knoware (dot) nl
Start daisy-player with language:
Stuff to add in an update of this manual
LANG=de_DE.UTF-8 daisy-player
LANG=nl_NL.UTF-8 daisy-player
Go System > Language Support > Button: install/remove languagea: check installations and extra fonts > click: apply changes.
Enter password, download starts.
1. Introduction
2. Necessary skills to execute this project
3. Conventions used in this manual
4. What is needed?
5. Installing Linux Ubuntu 10.04 LTS
5.1 Problems on a HP d530
6. Installing required software
6.1 Madplay
6.2 libiso9660-7
7. DAISY player installation
7.1 Installation via Ubuntu Software Center
7.2 Installion with PPA and apt-get
7.3 Manual installation
8. Testing daisy-player
9. Adaptions for visually impaired and blind persons
9.1 Start daisy-player
9.2 Shut down the computer
9.3 DAISY player desktop icon
9.4 Set volumes with Aumix
9.5 Big cursor
9.6 Locate pointer
9.7 Larger fonts
9.8 Switch workspces
9.9 Disable File Browsers auto opening
9.10 Windows applet and Maximus
9.11 Summary
10. Concluding remarks
11. Useful links
12. Disclaimer
DAISY (Digital Accessible Information System) is a technical standard for digital audio books, periodicals and computerized text. DAISY is designed to be a complete audio substitute for print material and is specifically designed for use by people with "print disabilities," including blindness, impaired vision, and dyslexia (from Wikipedia). DAISY players are devices to play DAISY CD-ROMs. These players are pretty expensive and sometimes have limited DAISY functionality.
Daisy-player is a computr program, created by Jos Lemmens. It is a fantastic Linux/Unix software DAISY player, in its functionality full comparable with expensive commercial players. The program is (OSS) Open Source Software, licensed under the General Public License (GPL) version 3 or later, which means you can use his software freely and can modify it if needed.
The program, 'daisy-player' from now on, is a command line program. That's the easiest way of using the program for blind and vidually impaired users as well as users with dyslexia. A Graphical User Interface (GUI) and a mouse are not needed. All functions are available via the keyboard.
Daisy-player is multi lingual, available in English, Dutch, German, South-African.
As far as we know the program plays DIASY CD's version 2. In the Netherlands we found no DAISY CD's version 3.
This manual describes:
- Installing Linux Ubuntu in various versions on a computer.
- If necessary, updating the system and, if required, installing additional required software.
- Installing the DAISY player software.
- Creating keyboard shortcuts to facilitate using the player for the target group.
There are various ways to install daisy-player on a Linux Ubuntu personal computer: via Ubuntu Software Center and installation via a Personal Package Archive (PPA). Depending on the Ubuntu verion daisy-player is available in the Ubuntu software center or via PPA.
Depending on the Ubuntu version, you need almost no skills or basic computer knowledge, i.e. looking into the contents of a CD, basic knowledge about file extensions, downloading files via the Internet, unpacking compressed files, basic work on the command line in a terminal, knowing some basic Linux commands like 'cd', 'cp', 'mv'. When all this is unfamiliar to you, the best thing you can do is asking help at a local Linux group near you. They will be most willing to help you.
A lot of work is done in on the Linux desktop. To easily naviagte in this OS (Operating System) and its desktop, we follow the way described in the following example, whereafter the explanation follows.
Example: Go: Applications > Sound and Video > GNOME ALSA mixer > W: GNOME ALSA Mixer > PCM > Mute: uncheck
This means: With your mouse, point to 'Applications', left click on 'Applications'. The 'Applications' menu opens. Select 'Sound & Video, select 'GNOME ALSA Mixer. The Window 'GNOME ALSA Mixer' opens. Search for the PCM fader, search for the 'Mute' option and uncheck it.
In this example T (Tab) and [Name] (Name of a button) are missing, but speak for themselves. With and a bit of imagination and looking at the screen, you will soon be familiar with these conventions.
The text below is an adaption from one of our other projects:
Part of the installation is working on the command line in a terminal. Here are the rules of engagement:
- Linux/Unix is case sensitive.
- When file- and directory names are used in the text, we use
or directory_name
Example: Copy daisy-player
to /usr/local/bin/
- In Unix/Linux, commands are invoked with an
. We will omit "... and press the [Enter]
key on your keyboard" with every instruction in order to keep the documentation as readable as possible.
- The names of buttons are displayed between square brackets, e.g, [OK], [Next], [Finish].
- The keys on the keyboard are displayed as follows:
for the 'Enter' key and [Tab]
for the tabulator key. Combinations of
keys are displayed as follows: [Alt+u]
means: 'press and hold the Alt key and hit the key labeled u' and [Ctrl+Alt+Del]
means: 'press and hold the Ctrl key and the Alt key and hit the Del key'.
- 'DAISY player' refers to the general name of the device, whereas 'daisy-player' refers to Jos Lemmens program.
This section describes what you need to execute this project.
- A PC with with a harddisk (about 10 Gb or more) and some RAM (1 Gb or more) a CD player and a sound card, speakers or a headphone. A monitor or a braille terminal and a keyboard. For me (low-vision) a mouse was useful during the installation.
We used a HP/Compaq d530 SFF (Small Form Factor), Pentium IV 2,8 GHz, 1Gb RAM, 20 Gb harddisk. On this system sound was not automatically configured (see section 5.1 Problems on a HP d530 for details and solutions).
- A CD with Ubuntu <version< for low vision or ...
- ... a CD with Ubuntu <version< Alternate Install. Downloadable from
- A working connection to the Internet to download the daisy-player software, updates and additional required software.
- A DAISY CD version 2 for testing.
This section describes a straightforward basic installation of Ubuntu 10.04 LTS (Long Time Support) and updating the installation via Internaet with the latest updates.
- Set the BIOS of the PC to its default settings and save them.
- Connect the PC to the Internet.
- Connect speakers or headphone to the audio out slot.
- Install Ubuntu 10.4 LTS on the PC. Do not skip anything and use the entire harddisk of the PC. Remember the password you gave during the installation.
- Install all available updates via System > Administration > Update Manager. Follow the instructions. Reboot the computer.
- Enable system sounds via: System > Preferences > Sound. In the 'Sound Preferences' window set speaker levels to maximum (for the moment) and check 'Enable window and button sounds'.
- Check if sound is working properly. Insert a DAISY CD in the CD/DVD player. A window opens. Right click one of the .mp3 file. A dropdown menu opens. Select 'Open with Movie Player. If sound is heard: OK.
If you have a HP d530 proceed to section 5.1 Problems on a HP d530.
- When trying to play an .mp3 file, you can receive a message indicating that some plugins are missing. Follow the instructions and install them. Try playing the sound again. If sound is heard: OK.
If you have a HP d530 porceed to section 5.1 Problems on a HP d530.
- If there is no sound, check volume and mute settings by going: Applications > Sound and Video > Some mixer dievice (depends on PC). If necessary, unmute channels and set all levels to maximum (for the moment). If sound from the DAISY CD is heard: OK.
If you have a HP d530 porceed to section 5.1 Problems on a HP d530.
On our HP d530, after a 'successful' installation, we had no sound on the internal speaker. The problems we experienced are discussed in the next section.
After a successfull (...?) installation of Ubuntu 10.04 LTS on a HP d530 desktop PC, we had sound on the audio out, but no sound on the build in speaker. Searching the Internet revelaed problems with this PC. Looking in Applications > Sound & Video showed no sound mixer was installed. Apparently this is needed for the internal speaker.
We installed GNOME ALSA mixer as follows:
- Go: Applications > Ubuntu Software Center.
- The window of the 'Ubuntu Software Center' opens.
- Select 'Get Software'.
- In the 'Search' field type: 'GNOME ALSA Player' (omit the quotes).
- The software becomes selectable.
- Click the 'Install' field.
- THe 'Authenticate' window opens.
- Enter the password you used during the installation of Ubuntu 10.04 LTS.
- Click [OK].
- At the 'GNOME ALSA MIxer' click 'Install'.
- The sofeware is installed. Wait until 'Install' is replaced by 'Remove'. Do not remove the software!
- Close the 'Ubuntu Software Center' Window by clicking File > Close. The window disappears.
- Check if the GNOME ALSA mixer is installed via: Applications > Sound & Video > GNOME Alsa Mixer.
- Ready!
Well, ready..., not exactly. Still no sound. It appeared that some channels were muted and some faders set to 0 (no input).
The next section describes configuring GNOME ALSA mixer.
- Go Applications > Sound & Video > GNOME ALSA Mixer. The 'GNOME ALSA Mixer' window opens. Severeral faders (the vertical red bars) are visisble.
- Set the fader knobs of Master Mono and PCM channels to maximum (for the moment).
- Make sure those channesl are not muted, i.e. 'Mute' is unchecked.
Next, in the top right corner of the desktop a small loudspeaker can be seen. Left click on the speaker icon. A small window opens. Make sure the sound level is maximum (for the moment) and not muted.
Playing an .mp3 file succeeded! But unfortunately the settings were not retained and had to be set after each boot up. Numerous Google searches did nog give a solution. However, it became clear that the HP d530 desktop gave a lot of sound related problems. After a lot of experiments we stubled upon (hopefully) the final solution.
- Open a terminal by going: Applications > Accessories > Terminal. A terminal opens.
- Afer the
ampersand sign, type sudo -s
to get root access to the system. This is necessary to edit files not belonging to you.
- You are asked to enter your password. Enter it. After hitting the
key on your keyboard, the $
changes in a #
hash sign, indicating you are 'root' user, so be careful, you can ruin the system!
- Enter:
pico /usr/share/pulseaudio/alsa-mixer/paths/analog-output.conf.common
- The Pico editor opens.
- Look for a piece of text like:
[Element PCM]
switch = mute
volume = merge
- Change
volume = merge
into volume = zero
- Save the changes by pressing
- You are asked if you want ot save the file.
- On the keyboard, press the
key. The file is saved. Pico closes and you are back on the command line.
- Close the terminal window.
- Set the fader and mute settings in GNOME ALSA mixer as previously descirbed.
- Reboot.
- Check if settings are retained.
Finally, this made our HP d530 SFF desktop usable for daisy-player. We hope it solves your problems too. We can now move on the the next section where we install required additional software that is needed for DAISY player.
DAISY player requires additional software to function under Linux Ubuntu 10.04 LTS. Libncurses5 and libcdio10 (mentioned in the Readme file) are already available in a basic Ubuntu 10.04 installation. However, madplay and libiso9660-7 must be added. The installation procedures are described below.
Madplay is an MPEG audio decoder needed by daisy-player. Install it as follows.
We had to first install the GNOME ALSA mixer to find madplay in the software list.
- Go: Applications > Ubuntu Software Center.
- The window of the 'Ubuntu Software Center' opens.
- Select 'Get Software'
- In the 'Search' field type: 'madplay' (omit the quotes)
- The 'MPEG audio player in fixed point' (madplay) becomes visible.
- Click 'Install'
- THe 'Authenticate' window opens.
- Enter the password you used during the installation of Ubuntu 10.04 LTS
- Click [OK]. The 'Authentication' window closes.
- At the 'MPEG audio player in fixed point' click 'Install'. The sofeware is installed. Wait till 'Install' is replaced by 'Remove'. Do not remove the software.
- Close the 'Ubuntu Software Center window with File > Close.
- Ready!
We had to install the audio mixer first before we could find madplay in the software list.
libiso9660-7 is a library that enables a lot of functions in handling CD's. Install it as follows:
- Go: System > Administration > Synaptic Package Manager
- THe 'Authenticate' window opens.
- Enter the password you used during the installation of Ubuntu 10.04 LTS
- Click [OK]. The 'Authenticate' window closes.
- The 'Synaptec Package Manager' window opens.
- Click [Close] to close the 'Quick Introduction'.
- In the 'Quick search' field, type: 'libiso9660-7'. Omit the quotes and notice that before the 7 is not an underscore but a dash.
- The desired library appears. Click the checkbox.
- A dropdown menu opens. Select 'Mark for installation'.
- In the icon bar, click 'Apply'. The 'Summary' window opens.
- At the bottom of the window, click 'Apply'.
- Red bars flash over your desktop.
- The window 'Changes applied' appears. Click [Close]. The window closes.
- Quit the 'Synaptic Package Manager' by going File > Quit.
- Ready!
7. DAISY player installation
There are various ways to install the DAISY player:
- With Ubuntu Software Center ( very easy and recommended, but not yet available)
- With PPA and apt-get (a piece of cake on the command line)
- A complete manual installation (clumsy, but all details are covered)
7.1 Installation via Ubuntu Software Center
Not yet available.
7.2 Installation with PPA and apt-get
A Personal Package Archive (PPA) is a special software repository for uploading source packages to be built and published as an apt repository by Launchpad or similar application. Source: Wikipedia. We follow the guidelines to install the Debian software package that Paul Gevers has made for daisy-plyaer. The guidelindes below are slightly adapted for readability.
How do I use software from a PPA?
To start installing and using software from a Personal Package Archive,
you first need to tell Ubuntu where to find the PPA.
Important: The contents of Personal Package Archives are not checked or
monitored. You install software from them at your own risk.
Adding the PPA to Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic) and later.
If you're using the most recent version of Ubuntu (or any version from Ubuntu 9.10 onwards), you can add a PPA to your system with a single line in your terminal.
- Open a terminal and enter:
dirk@ubuntu:~$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:paul-climbing/daisy
After hitting the [Enter]
key, you see something like:
[sudo] password for dirk:
Enter your password. Your system will now fetch the PPA's key. This enables your Ubuntu system to verify that the packages in the PPA have not been interfered with since they were built. You see something like:
Executing: gpg --ignore-time-conflict --no-options --no-default-keyring --secret-keyring /etc/apt/secring.gpg --trustdb-name /etc/apt/trustdb.gpg --keyring /etc/apt/trusted.gpg --primary-keyring /etc/apt/trusted.gpg --keyserver --recv BBE04B0D0729378E6FF865A28C851674F96FD737
gpg: requesting key F96FD737 from hkp server
gpg: key F96FD737: public key "Launchpad PPA for Paul Gevers" imported
gpg: Total number processed: 1
gpg: imported: 1 (RSA: 1)
- Now, as a one-off, you should tell your system to pull down the
latest list of software from each archive it knows about, including the PPA you just added:
dirk@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get update
You see something like:
dirk@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get update
Hit lucid-security Release.gpg
Ign lucid-security/main Translation-en_US
Hit lucid Release.gpg
Ign lucid/main Translation-en_US
[================ Many lines cut =====================================]
Hit lucid-security/multiverse Packages
Hit lucid-security/multiverse Sources
Fetched 58.3kB in 0s (59.9kB/s)
Reading package lists... Done
Now you're ready to start installing software from the PPA!
- Now install the daiy-player. At the command prompt, enter:
dirk@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get install daisy-player
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
The following extra packages will be installed:
libid3tag0 libiso9660-7 libmad0 madplay
The following NEW packages will be installed:
daisy-player libid3tag0 libiso9660-7 libmad0 madplay
0 upgraded, 5 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
Need to get 310kB of archives.
After this operation, 762kB of additional disk space will be used.
Do you want to continue [Y/n]? y
Get:1 lucid/main libid3tag0 0.15.1b-10build2 [35.5kB]
Get:2 lucid/main daisy-player 4.0.2-1~ppa1l [19.0kB]
Get:3 lucid/universe libiso9660-7 0.81-4 [126kB]
Get:4 lucid/main libmad0 0.15.1b-4ubuntu1 [73.0kB]
Get:5 lucid/universe madplay 0.15.2b-7 [56.6kB]
Fetched 310kB in 0s (540kB/s)
Selecting previously deselected package libid3tag0.
(Reading database ... 124158 files and directories currently installed.)
Unpacking libid3tag0 (from .../libid3tag0_0.15.1b-10build2_i386.deb) ...
Selecting previously deselected package libiso9660-7.
Unpacking libiso9660-7 (from .../libiso9660-7_0.81-4_i386.deb) ...
Selecting previously deselected package libmad0.
Unpacking libmad0 (from .../libmad0_0.15.1b-4ubuntu1_i386.deb) ...
Selecting previously deselected package madplay.
Unpacking madplay (from .../madplay_0.15.2b-7_i386.deb) ...
Selecting previously deselected package daisy-player.
Unpacking daisy-player (from .../daisy-player_4.0.2-1~ppa1l_i386.deb) ...
Processing triggers for man-db ...
Setting up libid3tag0 (0.15.1b-10build2) ...
Setting up libiso9660-7 (0.81-4) ...
Setting up libmad0 (0.15.1b-4ubuntu1) ...
Setting up madplay (0.15.2b-7) ...
Setting up daisy-player (4.0.2-1~ppa1l) ...
Processing triggers for libc-bin ...
ldconfig deferred processing now taking place
Done! To test the installation, proceed to section 8. Testing daisy-player.
7.3 Manual installation
This section describes the clumsiest way; manual installation for mouse addicts.
- Download daisy_player.tar.bz2 from Jos Lemmens website at
- A window opens 'Saving daisy-player-.tar.bz2. Select 'Save file' and click [OK]. Close Firefox and the Downloads window.
- Go: Places > Downloads.
- Right click on the file 'daisy-player-.tar.bz2.
- Select the file and right click on it. A dropdown menu opens.
- Select 'Open with Archive Manager'. The window 'daisy-player-.tar.bz2' opens.
- From the icon bar, select 'Extract'. The 'Extract' window opens.
- Press the [Extract] button. The 'Extracting files from archive' window opens. Click [Close].
- On the desktop the daisy-player-.tar.bz2 window is visilble and the directory daisy-player-.tar.bz2
- Clicking the direcotry opens it and shows its content.
The downloaded file is now extracted. We will follow the Readme file which is in the directory
The directory contains the following files:
- COPYING: copyright information.
- daisy_player: the binary, i.e. the program
- daisy_player.1: man page for daisy_player.
- daisy_player.c: source code
- daisy_player.txt: manual page in .txt format.
- License: The text of the GPL version 3 license of daisy_player
- Makefile: needed to compile from source
- Readme: the text you are reading now.
- TODO: things to do.
Read the README file which is printed below.
Daisy-player - A parser to play Daisy CD's with Linux
(C)2003-2010 J. Lemmens
Daisy-player reads a DAISY-CD and plays its audio-files.
Daisy-player requires madplay, an MPEG Audio Decoder. Be sure
madplay is installed on your system.
Furthermore, be sure the following extra libraries exist on your system:
Download and unpack the file 'daisy-player-.tar.bz2'.
In the created directory 'daisy-player-' you'll find the
following files:
- COPYING: copyright information.
- daisy-player: the binary, i.e. the program
- daisy-player.1: formatted manual page
- daisy-player.c: source code
- daisy-player.rules: rules for udev
- script for udev
These two files force mounting of the Daisy-CD
- License: The text of the GPL version 3 license of daisy-player
- Makefile: needed to compile from source
- Readme: the text you are reading now.
- TODO: things to do.
As user 'root' on the command line, copy the binary file
'daisy-player' into your /usr/local/bin/ directory:
# cp daisy-player /usr/local/bin/
Copy 'daisy-player.rules' into /etc/udev/rules.d/:
# cp daisy-player.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/
And copy '' into /lib/udev/:
# cp /lib/udev/
As a mortal user, put a DAISY-cd in your cd-player and,
on the command line, give:
$ daisy-player
This starts reading the DAISY-CD and printing the content on
the screen. After giving an [ENTER], playing the audio files starts.
One could also give a directory with a daisy
structure as argument to daisy-player:
$ daisy-player /home/jos/daisy_dir
A list of items on the DAISY-CD will appear. Press
to start playing. When reading of an item has finished, daisy-player will
play the next item and the cursor will automatically skip
to that item, so that your braille-terminal will display the name
of that item.
Jos Lemmens
If this Readme sounds a bit complicated, please read on.
Open a terminal by going: Applications > Accessories > Terminal. You should see something like:
Now, proceed as follows by typing, and after each line hitting the [Enter]
dirk@dirk-desktop:~$ sudo -s
[sudo] password for dirk: [enter your password]
root@dirk-desktop:~# cd Downloads
root@dirk-desktop:~/Downloads# ls
daisy-player-4.0 daisy-player-4.0.tar.bz2
root@dirk-desktop:~/Downloads# cd daisy-player-4.0
root@dirk-desktop:~/Downloads/daisy-player-4.0# ls
COPYING daisy-player.1 daisy-player.rules Makefile TODO
daisy-player daisy-player.c License Readme
root@dirk-desktop:~/Downloads/daisy-player-4.0# cp daisy-player /usr/local/bin
root@dirk-desktop:~/Downloads/daisy-player-4.0# cp daisy-player.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/
root@dirk-desktop:~/Downloads/daisy-player-4.0# cp /lib/udev/
root@dirk-desktop:~/Downloads/daisy-player-4.0# cp daisy-player.1 /?/?/
root@dirk-desktop:~/Downloads/daisy-player-4.0# exit
You have copied the files to their locations. Time to test your installation. This subject is treated in the next section.
8. Testing daisy-player
To do a basic test of the correct functioning of daisy-player proceed as follows:
- Insert a DAISY CD (version 2) in the CD or DVD player.
- Give the player some time to read the contents of the DAISY CD.
- Open a terminal by going: Applications > Accessories > Terminal.
- On the command line, type:
dirk@dirk-desktop:~$ daisy-player
The player should start reading the DAISY CD. After some time you should see the contents, something like this example DAISY CD
Daisy-player - Version 5.3.1 - (C)201... 424143 - 424143 - Applied social psycho
'h' for help --- 315 pages - level: 1 of 2 - total length: 21:28:57 - ( 1 of 4)
Applied Social Psychology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 00:04
Producentgegevens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 00:51
Boekgegevens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01:10
Tekst achterzijde . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01:54
Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19:40
List of figures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10:16
List of tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01:05
List of boxes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 05:57
List of contributors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 02:39
Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( 1- 1) 00:38
1 Introduction to applied social psychology . . . . . ( 2- 25) 110:38
Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( 2- 25) 02:10
Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( 26- 25) 02:57
Review questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( 26- 25) 00:35
Further reading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( 26- 25) 00:58
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( 27- 28) 07:25
2 The USE of theory in applied social psychology . . . ( 29- 51) 119:30
Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( 52- 51) 01:37
Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( 53- 54) 07:31
Review questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( 53- 54) 01:28
Further reading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( 53- 54) 00:28
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( 55- 57) 10:26
Hit the [Enter]
key on your keyboard and enjoy. Adjust volume to taste. Maybe it's an idea to have some keyboard shortcuts so you do not need a mouse anymore for the basic functions of the DAISY player.
Use the h
key or ?
for help in daisy-player.
Below are some adaptations like keyboard shortcuts, improved visbility, and keyboard volume control that make your life easier on a Linux PC with daisy-player.
This keyboard shortcut starts the DAISY player. Make sure a DAISY CD is inserted in the CD/DVD drive.
- Go: System > Preferences > Keyboard Shortcuts > Click [Add].
- The 'Custom shortcut' window opens. Enter:
Name: Start player
Command: gnome-terminal -s /usr/local/bin/daisy-player
- Click [Apply]. The window closes and the shortcut is added.
- In the shortuts row, click 'Disabled', it becomes 'New shortcut'.
- Hold down the
key and simultaneously press the [Alt]
and [p]
key. Release them. In the shortcut field 'New shortcut' is changed in 'Ctrl+Alt+p'. Of cours you can use any other key kombination that is not in use.
- Click [Close]
- Ready!
Edited from < a href="">
- Go: System > Preferences > Keyboard Shortcuts > Click [Add].
- Custom shortcut window opens. Enter:
Name: Shutdown
Command: /usr/lib/indicator-session/gtk-logout-helper -s
- Click [Apply]. The window closes and the shortcut is added.
- In the shortuts row, click 'Disabled', it becomes 'New shortcut'.
- Hold down the
key and simultaneously press the [End]
key. Release both. In the shortcut field 'New shortcut' is changed in 'Mod4+End.
- Click [Close]
- Ready!
A desktop icon to start DAISY player is automatically added from verson 5.3.1 on. To manually select an icon:
Aumix is an audio mixer working in a terminal. Aumix can be installed via: Applications > Ubuntu Software Center, in the same way as the GNOME ALSA mixer, described in section 5.1 Problems on a HP d530. The GNOME ALSA mixer, or any other miexer, needs to be installed first, before you can install Aumix. Below are 2 screenshots of Aumix.
aumix PO+++++++++++++++++++++++++ Vol ++++++++++++O+++++++++++++
+++++++++++++++++++++O++++ Pcm ++++++++++++O+++++++++++++
Quit PO+++++++++++++++++++++++++ Line ++++++++++++O+++++++++++++
Load RO+++++++++++++++++++++++++ Mic
Save PO+++++++++++++++++++++++++ CD ++++++++++++O+++++++++++++
Keys ++++++++++++++++++++++++O+ Pcm2 ++++++++++++O+++++++++++++
Mute O+++++++++++++++++++++++++ IGain ++++++++++++O+++++++++++++
Only PO+++++++++++++++++++++++++ Line1 ++++++++++++O+++++++++++++
Undo O+++++++++++++++++++++++++ Digital1
PO+++++++++++++++++++++++++ PhoneIn
P+++++++++++++++++O++++++++ PhoneOut
P+++++++++++++++++++++++++O Video
0 Level 100 L Balance R
![[ Aumix graphical user interface]](aumix_GUI.png)
The program 'Big Cursor' can be installed via: Applications > Ubuntu Software Center, in the same way as the GNOME ALSA mixer, described in section 5.1 Problems on a HP d530.<>br>
After installing, Go: System > Appearance > T: Visual Effects: Check 'None' to disable visual effects. This action disables compiz.
Then select: T: Theme > [Customize] > T: Pointer. Select a pointer ans set 'Size' to tase.
Show location of pointer when Contol key is pressed. Go: System > Preferences > Mouse > T: General > Locate Pointer: Check: Show location of pointer when [Contol]
key is pressend
Go: System > Preferences > Appearance > T: Fonts. Select size, for exampble 16.
To switch workspaces with keyboard shortcuts, go: System > Preferences > Keyboard shortcuts. Scroll down to 'Move to workspace 1 ... 4'. You only have to assign the keyobard shortcuts, for example [Ctrl + F1]
,[Ctrl + F2]
, etc.
It's also possible to change workspaces from left ot right and vice versa. Those shortcuts are already defined.
When inserting a CD, the File Browser autmagically opens. Quite annoying.
To diable the File Browser when inserting media: Open the File Browser and go: Edit > Preferences > Tab: Media: uncheck 'Browse media when inserted'.
With these shortcuts it's possible to completely use the DAISY player and the volume with the keyboard. For example, open the player on the first workspace and aumix on the second workspace.
Version 11.10
We have tried to put all we know about this subject in this manual. Comments and suggestions are welcome. Please write to schoiutdi [at] knoware [dot] nl.
A DIY Daisy playrer:
Although we have tested every part of this project and many eyeballs have seen the texts, neither the author(s), nor any other one or companies can be held responsable for any damamage, neither direct, nor inirect, neither consequential, nor accidental or whatsoever, when using the hardware, software, materials, advices or suggestions we write about or refer to.
This project is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
Copyright © 2010, Dirk Schouten
This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Netherlands License.
Author: Dirk Schouten <schoutdi at knoware dot nl>
Last updated: 2012-06-31