1. Introduction
1.1 Features
1.2 Assumptions
2. Tools manager overview
3. Translate tool
3.1 Translate Tool overview
3.2 Add a new language
3.3 Translate a language
3.4 Edit language
3.5 Small language
3.5.1 High
visibility adaptions
3.5.2 Export
4. Backup tool
4.1 Database backup
4.2 Data backup
5. Log viewer
6. Update Manager
6.1 Core update
6.2 Other updates
7. Concluding remarks
The Tools Manager contains
several tools:
- The Translate Tool to translate the Website@School
- The Backup Tool to make backups of the Website@School
- The Log View to keep track of what happens on your
Website@School installation.
- The Updates Manager to automatically install updates.
The features of each tool are
discussed in their own paragraphs.
This chapter elaborates on
other chapters. We assume you have read and done the
General part of the Table of Contents.
To open the Tools
manager, please click on the Tools Manager
icon to open the
Tools dialogue:
The opening screen is split in two parts, the
Menu pane and the Tools
Menu: The Menu pane has two modes:
- Task selection: Select a specific
management task by clicking on Translate
Tool, Backup Tool,
Log View or Update Manager. The task becomes underlined
and is opened in the workplace pane.
- Managing a task: When a task is
selected, its configuration options become available in the
workplace pane.
Here you can find various tools.
With the Translate Tool you can add new translations to
the program or modify existing translations.
The Backup Tool allows for downloading the complete
database for this site.
Log View allows you to browse through log messages.
Please select a tool from the menu
XXXX UPdate manager text missing!
NOTE: For Website@School
program translators the Translate Tool is extensively
explained in chapter Translate
Website@School Program. Please go there when you want to
translate the program.
The Translate Tool is a special, very easy to use device to
translate the program in a new language or to adapt a
language to the schools preferences. The Translate Tool has the
following features:
- Selectable language: When translating, two
languages are available for easy reference: English and a
selectable language.
- UTF-8: Fully UTF-8 (8-bit Unicode
Transformation Format) compatible. That is, no problems with
diacritical characters and non Western languages like Chinese,
Hindi, et cetera.
- Shortcuts: Shortcut keys can be assigned
language dependent.
- Notes: Notes can be added to
- Submit language: A copy of your
translation is send per e-mail to the Website@School project.
Default the option is checked. The copy is sent to the address
specified in the Configuration Manager < Site < Website
From: e-mail address.
To enter the
Translate Tool, in the Menu click on the
Translate Tool link to open the
Translate Tool dialogue:
The list of languages is visible.
- Menu: The selected tool is underlined. The
other tools can be grayed out, i.e. not accessible for the
logged in User.
Translate Tool: Workplace header text.
- Add a language: Clicking on this link
opens the Add a new language dialogue.
Adding a language is discussed in section 3.2 Add a new language.
- Pencil icon: Clicking the pencil opens
the Edit language properties dialogue.
These options will be discussed below in sections 3.4 Edit language properties.
- Language name: This link has the
Language name (ll).
The language name is shown in that language, i.e.
not as 'French', but as 'Français'. This options
will be discussed in section 3.4 Edit language properties.
Clicking on the
Add a language link opens the
Add a new language dialogue:
After clicking [Done], the new language is added:
By selecting the (added) language name, you can start
translating. This is discussed in the next paragraph.
Click on the
language name, for example Svenska,
to enter the Translation for <language name> (2
character code) - dialogue:
- Submit this translation: Please leave this
option checked. Better submit an unfinished translation than to
forget it accidentally.
- Translator name: Enter your name
- Translator email address: Enter your email
address, so we can reach you if necessary.
- Translator notes: Space for your own notes
or message(s) to us. Most translators use this part to ask us
questions about the (sometimes confusing) meaning of
- Save, Done, Cancel: Please see Save, Done, Cancel in the Basic procedures for beginners.
After clicking the [Done] button the translation is saved.
Also an e-mail is sent to the webmaster with a backup copy as
-------- Original Message --------
From: اردو Tiếng Việt български العربية 中文 - First Name Last Name <>
Subject: Website@School Translation: اردو (ur) - admin
To: (Website@School Translations)
CC: اردو Tiếng Việt български العربية 中文 - First Name Last Name <>
Language name: اردو
Language key: ur
Language domain: admin
This dialogue is the same as the Add a language
dialogue. You can correct errors in the name of the language and
change 'active'. The language code and parent language cannot be
- Language code (ISO 639): The
chosen language code cannot be changed. This is a feature.
- Name (expressed in the language
itself): Errors can be corrected.
- Parent language: Once
chosen, the parent language cannot be changed.
- Mark the language as active:
When the box is checked the language is selectable by the users
in their language selection. See Account manager, section 2.3 Give the user privileges.
- Save, Done, Cancel: Please see Save, Done, Cancel in the Basic procedures for beginners.
Suppose you
want to change the content of an alert e-mail, or want to
change the names of the capacities to suit your institutional
hierarchies. The way it's done is by:
- Go the the right place for the text you want to
- Make the changes and save them.
- Log out and in.
- Inspect the changes.
- Please send them to us so others can use them as well.
If you are
not happy with the abbreviations for the icons in high
visibility mode, you can use the list below to change the
All adaptions are done in Tools > Translate Tool > Select a
language > Select 'Administration'. Here you can change the
characters and signs.
Page Manager
- Trashcan/Delete icon= D = 63
- Pencil/Edit icon= E = 67
- Home icon = H = 71
- Not home = _=72
- Preview/Page icon = P = 78
- Folder opened icon = - = 84, 90, 96
- Folder closed icon = + = 81, 87, 93
- Visible icon = _ = 100
- Invisible icon = I = 105
Configuration Manager (Areas)
- Home icon = H = 261
- Not home = _ = 262
- Delete icon = D = 268
- Edit icon = E = 272
Account manager
- Trashcan/Delete icon = D = 409, 552
- Edit icon = E = 412, 555
File Manager
Tools (Translate Tool)
To be done soon.
The Backup Tool has the
following features:
NOTE: The backup tool only makes a backup of the database.
To make a backup of the Website@School program, use an FTP
program as described in the Installchapter.
In the
Menu, clicking the Backup
Tool link opens the Backup Tool
To create a backup, proceed as follows:
- Click on the link Download
- A window on your own computer opens.
- Select a directory to save the backup. The backup has a
name like: Which reads
- Ready!
It's a good idea to make regular backups, say once per night.
There is an abundance of automatic backup software that can do
this job, either on the school server, a school workstation or a
computer at the webmasters home..
Website@School uses a
separate folder to store the data that are not a part of the
database like pictures and documents. That is, materials
uploaded with the File Manager. These files are stored in the
data directory that was created during the installation of
Websit@School. They are stored in the CMS Data Folder. An
example file path:
NOTE: These data are not backed up by Website@School. You can
backup them on the server with the tools available.
A systems administrator once
said: "Your logs are your friends".Website@School has
extensive logging:
Upgrades become available on
our JOIN UP download location. Please see chapter Intro, paragraph 6. Useful Website@school sites.
Ater a successful update the new features are not available on
the Exemplum Primary School area. Only in a new installation with
demodata the new features are installed without the need of
adding them via 'Add a page'.
Download the compressed (.zip or .tgz) upgrade (either a
program update, a manual update, a language pack or a module) and
unpack it in the CMS Root Folder. Please see chapter Installation, paragraph 1..1.3 Webservers and folders. CMS Root Folder.
Please read the 3. Tips for a secure
installation in the Installation
Guide before proceeding any further. Security is vital!
After unzipping and checking security, log in with the root
account (webmaster, Wilhelmina Bladergroen). For a core
update you are directly sent to the Update Manager dialogue.
For other updates, go Tools > Update manager.
After a successful unzip of
the Website@School program, you may encounter
error 50 on the school website, indicating you did
not yet upgrade.
Please log in as webmaster to be directed to the
Update Managerdialogue:
After pressing the 'core' Update
link, notice the status message carefully:
Do as said en remove obsolete files!
Information on the internal version number can be found in
chapter Configuration Manager, paragraph 6. Site.
After upgrading a module,
manual or language, login as webmaster and check Tools >
Update Manager.
No concluding remarks
Author: Dirk Schouten <dirk (at) websiteatschool
(dot) eu>
Last updated: 2014-09-06